Pionit tänään
Pionien aikaan 😊❤️. #Duchessedenemours #ShirleyTemple #FestivaMaxima #AlexanderFleming #AlbertCrousse #CoralCharm
#coralcharm #albertcrousse #alexanderfleming #festivamaxima #shirleytemple #duchessedenemours
#Bales2023FilmChallenge June 12: Child labour in a movie on #ChildLaborDay
“This isn’t playtime, kids, it’s work.” –Charles Lamont, Baby Burlesk director
In the #BabyBurlesk Kid 'N' Hollywood [aka Kid in Hollywood] (#CharlesLamont, 1933), #ShirleyTemple plays a Hollywood hopeful called Morelegs Sweettrick, who gets her break when the star doesn't feel like showing up (kids, right? no discipline).
#bales2023filmchallenge #childlaborday #babyburlesk #shirleytemple #film #cinema #filmastodon #cinemastodon #charleslamont
#BarbaraHammer #TapDancing on #ShirleyTemple's Hollywood Blvd star in Tender Fictions (1996). #film #LGBT #documentary
#barbarahammer #tapdancing #shirleytemple #film #lgbt #documentary
Re-watching “I’ll Be Seeing You” (1944) after eight years or so. Too long!
If you look closely, this poster oddly appears to have the producer and director reversed. Dore Schary produced and William Dieterle directed. They did get David O. Selznick’s name correct, though—priorities!
#OldHollywood #GingerRogers #JosephCotten #ShirleyTemple #IllBeSeeingYou
#oldhollywood #gingerrogers #josephcotten #shirleytemple #illbeseeingyou
74 years ago:
Adventure in Baltimore (US)
Dinah Sheldon is a student at an exclusive girl's school who starts campaigning for women's rights. Her minister father and her boyfriend Tom Wade do not approve.
#AdventureinBaltimore #ShirleyTemple #RobertYoung #JohnAgar #RKO #Movies
#adventureinbaltimore #shirleytemple #robertyoung #johnagar #rko #movies
87 years ago:
Captain January (US)
A little girl named Star lives with a lighthouse keeper who rescued her when her parents drowned. A truant officer decides she should go to boarding school but she's rescued by relatives.
#CaptainJanuary #ShirleyTemple #SlimSummerville #BuddyEbsen #20thCenturyFox #ClassicMovies
#captainjanuary #shirleytemple #slimsummerville #buddyebsen #20thcenturyfox #classicmovies
Here for this Shirley Temple double feature
#TCMParty #CurlyTop #WeeWillieWinkie #ShirleyTemple
#tcmparty #curlytop #weewilliewinkie #shirleytemple
@HippieScubaSteve In our house, THE holiday movie is #ShirleyTemple #Heidi (1937)
Tak i takhle se může říkat drátěnce na čištění hrotu 😁
#ShirleyTemple #AdamSavage #soldering
#shirleytemple #adamsavage #soldering
Jaren geleden kwam ik te weten dat een voormalig Hollywood kindster in m’n eigen gemeente zou wonen. Dat was #anngillis
Hoe kon iemand, ooit even bekend als #ShirleyTemple, in Limburg terechtgekomen zijn?
Uiteindelijk kreeg ik haar adres te pakken en ze bleek hier gewoon naast mijn tante te wonen. Ik kreeg gehandtekende foto’s.
Films: veel in jaren 30/40, The Saint met Roger Moore, stem in Disney's Bambi, bijrol in 2001: a space odyssey,..
(1927 - 2018)
Zie ook FB: Looking for Ann Gillis.
Shirley Temple, la triste storia di una bambina prodigio #bambini #grandedepressione #hollywood #shirleytemple #usa https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubHVjYXNjaWFsby5pdC9zaGlybGV5LXRlbXBsZS1zdG9yaWEtZmlsbS8=
#usa #shirleytemple #hollywood #grandedepressione #bambini