Fuck everyone giving this madman special treatment and protection. Good thing he wasn’t selling singles on the fucking corner. #shitholecountry
Imagine being such a small, hateful piece of shit you're going and getting into fistfights outside of a school over #pride #shitholecountry
Do #Republican mouth pieces have a contest to see how many guns they can get in their zoom background for their dishonest spots on TV?
Does it make the cowards feel safer?
Fucking idiots voting for fucking idiots.
Only in #America!
#republican #america #gop #uspoli #shitholecountry
Hey, @SaudiArabians!! Can you post "fuck #MohammedbinSalman" in your country?
#mohammedbinsalman #saudi #shitholecountry #fuckmbs #fuckhouseofsaud
Number one takeaway, Nimarata Haley is still way past her prime.
#America #Republican #GOPDisgrace #ShitHoleCountry #GOP #uspoli
#america #republican #gopdisgrace #shitholecountry #gop #uspoli
In this telling, the Republicans have already won. The decision to let the #GOP steal three Supreme Court seats, combined with the decision not to end the #DebtCeiling charade when Dems had the majorities to do so, means that from now on, we live in the GOP's #ShitholeCountry.
#gop #debtceiling #shitholecountry
Why? WHY? Maybe because you made guns so easily accessible to the whacko nutjobs in this country that call themselves Republicans.
That's why.
#GunFreaks #GunJobs #GunFucked #Guns #AR15 #NRA #Republican #ShitholeCountry
#shitholecountry #republican #nra #ar15 #guns #gunfucked #gunjobs #gunfreaks
Under desantis Florida has become a “sh*thole country!”
#florida #desantis #DeSantisDestroysFlorida #shitholecountry
#florida #desantis #DeSantisDestroysFlorida #shitholecountry
Anyone who chooses th remain in this #shitholecountry should be advised that they are on their own.
@HandgunYoga In a country flooded with guns, we should at least have cell service to call for help when we’re shot, ffs. There’s better service in the jungles of Costa Rica than the suburbs of the US. #ShitholeCountry thanks to Republicans and the #SCOTUS
#AmericaRacistPOS country. This is what Christofascism and dark money gets us. #ShitholeCountry #LandOfTheHateful #AmericanNaziFascists
#americaracistpos #shitholecountry #landofthehateful #americannazifascists
For the US being such a #ShitHoleCountry, a lot of people really want to live here.
A person might be surprised that #immigration is at an all time high and climbing.
The El Paso mall of tonight’s shooting is immediately adjacent to a Walmart where a shooting in 2019 killed 23 and left nearly two dozen more injured.
#shitholecountry #guncontrolnow
It's pretty obvious by now that police murders are nothing more or less than lynchings. And, as always, a majority of white people support this. #ShitHoleCountry
Free country? Maybe not for much longer if they get their way
Wage slavery to intensify.
RT @BBCPolitics@twitter.com
Anti-strikes bill to be introduced to Parliament https://bbc.in/3H2nW1H
#republicans - moving the US toward being a #shitholecountry since about 1980.
@Empathy1st #Truth. #USExceptionalism is a myth. The United States became a #ShitholeCountry during Lord Farquaad's reign of terror. Joe Biden is digging them out.
#truth #usexceptionalism #shitholecountry
Veig que això de “M. Rajoy” i “M.A. de Cospedal” és massa ambigu i no és prova de res. #ThisIsTheRealSpain #ShitholeCountry
“L'Audiència Nacional arxiva el cas sobre la caixa B del PP”
#thisistherealspain #shitholecountry
Germany introduces „right to repair“ for all consumer goods. Sweden increases tax on repairs. #shitholeCountry #svpol