Here's what #RonDesantis wants for the rest of America...
Whats wrong with you people?
#rondesantis #america #republcian #gop #shitholestate #florida
#TheWashingtonPost #Gunman killed neighbors, child with #AR15-style rifle, sheriff says
#TexasSucks #ShitHoleState #Fuck2A
He's not a "gunman," he's a murderer, a terrorist. #GunReformNow
#gunreformnow #fuck2a #shitholestate #texassucks #ar15 #gunman #thewashingtonpost
#TheWashingtonPost #Gunman killed neighbors, child with #AR15-style rifle, sheriff says
#TexasSucks #ShitHoleState #Fuck2A
He's not a "gunman," he's a murderer, a terrorist. #GunReformNow
#gunreformnow #fuck2a #shitholestate #texassucks #ar15 #gunman #thewashingtonpost
Florida is Not Healthy for Children and Other Living Things” #florida. #disneyworld needs to move from that #shitholestate
#florida #disneyworld #shitholestate
More carnage in florida tonight. #shitholestate #gunviolence #fuckdesantis
#fuckdesantis #gunviolence #shitholestate
@Maura_resister And yet they consistently easily get reelected. Tells me something about Texas, esp state-wide races. You can still do voter suppression, which is rampant in Texas, but not gerrymandering. #ShitholeState
You like driving through a blizzard!
Plenty of warning.
Fresh out of Fuxks to Give.
#ohtpk #ohio #methcapital #blizzard #shitholestate
You like driving through a blizzard!
Plenty of warning.
#ohtpk #ohio #methcapital #blizzard #shitholestate
Dieser koreanische Horrorgnom hat das Ziel aufgerufen, das sein #Shitholestate „die größte Atommacht der Welt“ werden soll … mit dem Vermögen, US-Amerikanisches Festland treffen zu können.
Und wir machen uns 'n Kopp wegen Putin.