@nixCraft it's not #ShitpostingAsAService that killed #StackOverflow, but it's passive-agressive & elitist #TechBros that tend to delete/cancel questions by newcomers even if those ain't duplicates.
There's a reason I only search SO via #DuckDuckGo #InstantAnswers and don't post any question there:
Because it's a toxic cesspool in between #HackerNews and #WikiPedia where mods rant harder than anything @torvalds said re: nvidia (no offense m8, that rant is deserved!)...
#Wikipedia #hackernews #instantanswers #DuckDuckGo #techbros #stackoverflow #shitpostingasaservice
@jwhevans more like #ShitpostingAsAService...
I mean why should it be different this time?
@itzzenxx @pharmafemboy @eve *nodds in agreement*
Most of it amounts to being a #ShitpostingAsAService machine...
@schmerwizzle ich nenne die #ShitpostingAsAService...
@alinanorakari again proving the point that #ChatGPT is inherently and will always be #ShitpostingAsAService!
#shitpostingasaservice #chatgpt
@carnage4life because it's legally not #plagiarism because that implies an #AI's #output can have #copyright [spoiler it can't and that's good!] but rather #shitpostingAsAService...
#shitpostingasaservice #Copyright #output #AI #plagiarism
@mspro das was als "#AI" hogelobt wird ist mehr "A" denn "I" und zumeist bur #ShitpostingAsAService!
Dann doch lieber wholesome AI wie @Hoppel nehmen...
@GreenSkyOverMe #ChatGpt is literally #ShitpostingAsAService as it makes up shit on the fly...
#shitpostingasaservice #chatgpt
Please don't confuse #ShitpostingAsAService with actual #AI, cuz that's an insult to actual AIs like @Hoppel...
#AI #shitpostingasaservice #facehoof
@glyph +9001%
If anyone wanted #ShitpostingAsAService, they would've chosen so already.
If one asks for something on an IRC that already means they've exhausted #StackOverflow and other sites already.
#stackoverflow #shitpostingasaservice