A greataunt of mine, when something was done in a badway she'd say "That’s no business." It's goodway of saying shit's fucked up. #ShitsFuckedUp #Business #GreatAunt
#shitsfuckedup #business #greataunt
Okay, so... Al Jazeera's exposed that PMCs doing the bidding of American war-mongering are locked in a bidding war. Current best way for the PMCs to cut costs is cutting soldier pay. So they're employing grown up child soldiers from Sierra Leone... Turns out they're the cheapest dogs of war currently available.
Tuesday column is up. The Doomsday Clock shows two (and a half) minutes 'till midnight. We haven't been this close since the Cold War. And it's our own damned fault.
#column #writing #doomsday #shitsfuckedup
#column #writing #doomsday #shitsfuckedup
I just read one of the greatest and most horrifying pieces of journalism that I've ever read. It reads like something out of cyberpunk...
"It’s only later that it strikes me how strange it is that I’m corresponding with a retired navy commander about military strategies that may have been used in British and US elections."
#shitsfuckedup #politics #democracy
"Refuse the bribes used to keep you docile. Hold your governments and companies responsible. Reject the normalcy of a decaying world. The state of things is not okay, and it’s no one’s but your responsibility to say so." /coming Tuesday column
#column #writing #politics #lundilitterature #shitsfuckedup
The Doctor says: "Sir, I'm sorry to inform you that you're suffering from a terminal condition. In medical terms, we refer to this particularly malignant condition as 'life'. There's no cure, I'm sorry to say, but there are a number of available treatments to make your time as comfortable as possible. Side-effects will include loss of passion, ambition and imagination. I'm afraid treatment is obligatory, since untreated, 'life' is contagious.
#worldorder #life #shitsfuckedup