Well willya lookit dat.
There's another accident on the freeway that's now fucking up everyone's morning commute. I'm going to miss my train because Bay Area drivers suck.
Three days in a row, folks. Three days of freeway accidents (avoidable accidents, I'd like to add). Let's go for a full week! Go on, East Bay. You can do it!
Well excuse the fuck out of me. I didn’t realize stop signs didn’t apply to you…
I love when drivers speed up and blow through stop signs to get ahead of pedestrians about to cross. I hope they crash and burn, hurting no one else, or any infrastructure. #Pedestrians #ShittyDrivers #Deathmobiles #Assholes #CrashAndBurn
#pedestrians #shittydrivers #deathmobiles #assholes #crashandburn