How many times a day are you going to force me to 2FA, Office365?
#shittysoftware #shittiersecuritydesign
Just saw that #Mastodon has an actually working #search for hashtags, that doesn’t filter results based on what languages it thinks you want to have the results in like #twitter does. It’s another one of those Silicon-Valley features resulting from most US-devs speaking only a single language and therefore making life hard for all those who a proper universal education. (Twitter knows btw. that I speak German and English, it censors the results regardless.)
#mastodon #search #twitter #monolingualdevelopers #siliconvalley #shittysoftware
Well - I can feel a meltdown and some spiraling coming on - one more work day this pay cycle I have to clock out of barely into it because of things out of my control. Another $60 down the drain that I can’t afford to lose. If anyone wants to help me pay bills this coming week - since now I know I won’t be able to - cash app $pegypt
#mutualaid #toxicemployers #shittysoftware #shittyinternet #underpaidoverworked #audhd #nosupports #audhdandemployeed #burnout #meltdowncentral #neednewjob #adhd #actuallyautistic #micromanagementhell #sensorynightmare
#MutualAid #toxicemployers #shittysoftware #shittyinternet #underpaidoverworked #AuDHD #nosupports #audhdandemployeed #burnout #meltdowncentral #neednewjob #adhd #actuallyautistic #micromanagementhell #sensorynightmare