@scops @byteshift69 @ActionRetro
The #G4 was the last #Mac with decent #MIDITiming. One of them with a #Unitor or #AMT8 = not bad. Not as good as an #AtariST but not bad.
It's been a slalom downhill since then, particularly with #LogicPro
Nowadays, #MacOs is too busy with I dunno what to even bother with #MIDITimestamping
I miss #Emagic. It's a damn shame what Apple have done to #Logic.
#MusicProduction #DAWSAreShite #MIDIJitter #TrySummingToZero #ShittyTiming #Bloatware
#bloatware #shittytiming #trysummingtozero #midijitter #dawsareshite #musicproduction #logic #emagic #miditimestamping #macos #logicpro #atarist #amt8 #unitor #miditiming #mac #g4