Martin Shkreli Was Too Honest
“FTC Chair Lina Khan just put the business model of big pharma on trial with a challenge to a merger of Amgen and Horizon Therapeutics. And Wall Street is freaking out.”
#Monopolies #AntiTrust #BigPharma #FTC #Pharmaceuticals #Shkreli
#monopolies #antitrust #bigpharma #ftc #pharmaceuticals #shkreli
@ErickFernandez well, not really.
Like #Shkreli they only shifted from direct to indirect payment.
At this point I'm woundering why Mexican cartels haven't started mass-smuggling insulin from Mexico into the USA.
#Shkreli tells judge his #drug discovery software is not for discovering drugs
Shkreli now says his drug discovery software is like a recipe website.
His lifetime #pharma ban dates back to a 2015 scheme that abruptly raised the price of a life-saving anti-parasitic drug, Daraprim, by more than 4,000%—from $17.50 per pill to $750 per pill.
#Shkreli tells judge his #drug discovery software is not for discovering drugs
Shkreli now says his drug discovery software is like a recipe website.
His lifetime #pharma ban dates back to a 2015 scheme that abruptly raised the price of a life-saving anti-parasitic drug, Daraprim, by more than 4,000%—from $17.50 per pill to $750 per pill.
Ars Technica: Shkreli tells judge his drug discovery software is not for discovering drugs #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Pharmaceuticalindustry #drugdevelopment #martinshkreli #pharmabro #Druglike #Science #Shkreli #FTC
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #pharmaceuticalindustry #drugdevelopment #martinshkreli #pharmabro #druglike #science #shkreli #FTC
Shkreli tells judge his drug discovery software is not for discovering drugs - Enlarge / Martin Shkreli arrives at Brooklyn Federal Court on the first... - #pharmaceuticalindustry #drugdevelopment #martinshkreli #pharmabro #druglike #science #shkreli #ftc
#ftc #shkreli #science #druglike #pharmabro #martinshkreli #drugdevelopment #pharmaceuticalindustry
@LorenzMeyer Normal...
#Shkreli sitz auch nicht wegen #Massenmord und #Erpressung sondern wegen #Anlagebetrug...
#anlagebetrug #Erpressung #Massenmord #shkreli
Infamous ex-pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli is yet again in trouble with the Federal Trade Commission, which announced today that the convicted fraudster has failed to cooperate with the commission's investigation into whether he violated his lifetime ban from the pharmaceutical industry by starting a company last year called "Druglike, Inc."
#shkreli #pharmaceuticals #ftc
From 20 Jan: FTC: Shkreli may have violated lifetime pharma ban, should be held in contempt - Enlarge / Martin Shkreli, former CEO of Turing, smirked his way through a congressional he... #daraprim #drug-discovery #druglike #pharma #pharmaceutical-industry #policy #science #shkreli
#shkreli #science #policy #pharmaceutical #pharma #druglike #drug #daraprim
FTC: #Shkreli may have violated lifetime pharma ban, should be held in contempt
“At the center of the dispute is whether Shkreli's co-founding of Druglike runs afoul of his lifetime ban from the #pharmaceutical industry, which was in response to Shkreli's infamous move to raise the price of the cheap, life-saving anti-parasitic drug, Daraprim, from $17.50 a pill to $750 a pill in 2015.”
FTC: Shkreli may have violated lifetime pharma ban, should be held in contempt - Enlarge / Martin Shkreli, former CEO of Turing, smirked his way through... - #pharmaceuticalindustry #drugdiscovery #daraprim #druglike #science #shkreli #policy #pharma
#pharma #policy #shkreli #science #druglike #daraprim #drugdiscovery #pharmaceuticalindustry
Ars Technica: FTC: Shkreli may have violated lifetime pharma ban, should be held in contempt #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Pharmaceuticalindustry #Drugdiscovery #daraprim #Druglike #Science #Shkreli #Policy #Pharma
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #pharmaceuticalindustry #drugdiscovery #daraprim #druglike #science #shkreli #policy #Pharma
Read about the 2022 Shkreli Awards, the Lown Institute’s top ten list of the worst examples of profiteering and dysfunction in healthcare in the USA, named for the infamous “pharma bro” Martin #Shkreli.
#pharma #medicare #Fraud
#fraud #medicare #pharma #shkreli
You'll enjoy reading this year's #Shkreli Awards (yes, that Shkreli) from the #LownInstitute, to recognize "the worst in healthcare profiteering and dysfunction."
No. 4: The CEO of Novus Hospice (Frisco, Texas) directed staffers "to dose patients with more than the maximum allowed amount of painkillers to hasten patient death, with the goal of reducing the average patient stay to avoid caps on government reimbursement."
@elizaorlins jail is only for the poor.
Remember: #Shkreli was jailed for defrauding investors, not for mass-murder by predatory pricing of essential medication to the point that most people can't afford it!
@mikemadrid Is it just me or does he not reek of Martin Shkreli vibes. #Santos #Shkreli
Il fondatore di FTX caduto in disgrazia, Sam Bankman-Fried, deve essere preoccupato per il grave periodo in prigione per le sue molteplici accuse di frode... ma non abbiate paura, perché il consiglio di "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli è di ascoltare un po' di rap prima di andare in galera.
Shkreli, ...
#27Dicembre #worried #shkreli
Because #Martin #Shkreli is clearly who we want to hear from regarding #SBF going to jail on survival tips.
Woman judge Kiyo Matsumoto with no sense of #humour sentences pharma bad boy Martin #Shkreli to maximum security jail over his Facebag post offering $5000 for a hair of #Hillary #Clinton. #humor
#humour #shkreli #hillary #clinton #humor