Blended image, "and yet", 2023, #photomontage #collage #pariscollageclub
Excerpt from “Being-Time”
#Dogen, #shobogenzo ... "Know that in this way there are myriads of forms and hundreds of grasses throughout the entire earth, and yet each grass and each form itself is the entire earth"
sources: 1) download via @museumsvictoria @pariscollagecollective 2) New Bedford street art #pasteup William Street between Purchase and Second streets 3) Hat, an ear, hair @Wikipedia @librarycongress
#pasteup #shobogenzo #dogen #pariscollageclub #Collage #Photomontage
To be honest: I bought my first #shobogenzo only because I heard trippy stuff about the Uji-Chapter.
Aktuell lese ich "Don't be a Jerk" von Brad Warner. Brad versucht hier, den Text von Dogens Shobogenzo in alltägliches Englisch zu bringen und schreibt sehr viele erläuternde Einleitungen. Es liest sich sehr schön und auch wenn Brad immer etwas arg versucht, hip und cool zu sein, ist der Wesenskern des Stoffes frei von Attitüde.
#buch #bradwarner #zen #shobogenzo #dogen
Blended image, "Beyond Thinking", June, 2022
When Yaoshan was sitting, a monk asked him, "In steadfast sitting, what do you think? Yaoshan said "Think not-thinking." "How do you think not-thinking?" Yaoshan replied, "Beyond thinking." #Shobogenzo #Dogen #SunriseSit #Zen #BeyondThinking #thinknotthinking
Sources: 1) figure by @sophiegunnol 2) set design by #AnnHamilton, 3) bouquet of flowers #odilonredon #photocollage #photomanipulation #Photomontage
#Photomontage #photomanipulation #PhotoCollage #odilonredon #annhamilton #thinknotthinking #beyondthinking #zen #sunrisesit #dogen #shobogenzo
@sikka yes and... there is putting out, starting, and observing the fire. From #Shobogenzo ("Receiving the Marrow by Bowing") #Dogen, "Practice by brushing off the fire on your head, or practice by standing
on your toes. Practice with heart, practice with beyond-heart, practice even with half a heart." 🙏