This #kenjutsu #technique first #parries the #opponent's #sword with one's own #blade held vertical. Then the #swordsman steps forward under the blades, suddenly turning the sword to present the blade's flank, causing the opponent's sword to slide upward.
After a quick horizontal cut to the opponent's arm, we withdraw with a circular step and bat the opponent's blade aside.
#martialarts #iaijutsu #battojutsu #shobukaninyoryu #swordsman #blade #sword #opponent #parries #Technique #kenjutsu
This #battojutsu #technique is one of the fastest drawing forms. To achieve a quicker draw, it forfeits hitting the opponent; instead, the #sword is flipped directly into a #defensive position (kagami-uke 屈み受け - "tilted block"). To ensure that the opponent's sword does not pass underneath the #block, the battôjutsuka assumes a low, forward-inclined stance.
#ShobukanInyoRyu #Iaijutsu #Iaido #MartialArts #Katana #Samurai
#samurai #katana #martialarts #iaido #iaijutsu #shobukaninyoryu #block #defensive #sword #Technique #battojutsu
Thanks for Benedikt Schwarz from our #dojo in #Bochum for writing this #thread originally on facebook!
#ShobukanInyoRyu #Battojutsu #Iaijutsu #Iaido #Kendo #Kenjutsu #MartialArts
#martialarts #kenjutsu #kendo #iaido #iaijutsu #battojutsu #shobukaninyoryu #Thread #bochum #dojo
There are several options for #sparring and #freeFighting (#tachiuchi 太刀打ち) when it comes to #equipment.
With a classic #woodenSword (#bokken 木剣, #bokutô 木刀, #kigatana 木剣) and without #protectiveGear, #training at full speed is risky. Many traditional styles, like Tenshin-shôden-katori-shintô-ryû 天真正伝香取神道流, deliberately train at greater distance (maai 間合い) to be able to train without having to hold back or slow down.
#iaijutsu #battojutsu #shobukaninyoryu #training #ProtectiveGear #kigatana #bokuto #bokken #woodensword #equipment #tachiuchi #freefighting #sparring