🆕 🎢 En 2024, le Stand-Up Coaster #Shockwave de #DraytonManor ouvert depuis 1994 subira une cure de jouvence. Les trains en position debout seront notamment remplacés par des trains en position assise ➡️ https://bit.ly/3PUISw4 #StarParc #themeparks #rollercoasters #intamin
#intamin #rollercoasters #Themeparks #starparc #draytonmanor #shockwave
How gorgeous is this Barbie-with-a-hint-of-rawr💃🐯 mixed mani?😎
And you can get it--as well as 50+ more--for half-price during #ColorStreet's Buy One/Get One ☀️Summer Mega Sale☀️!
⚡️Shockwave⚡️ and 🐆Spot On🐆 are both part of this weekend's special, so shop now and see what other combos you can create for these rock-bottom prices!
*while supplies last
*sale ends 7/31 at 11:59pm
#spoton #shockwave #bogosale #summermegasale #ColorStreet
I totally understand the Vulcan's position in all this, as well at #Soval's whole spurned-father act.
Soval: "I know space looks pretty, but some of these relationships are extremely delicate, so be careful, okay?"
Archer: *Immediately picks up a #Gremlin cuz he thinks it is cute, feeds it after midnight and gives it a bath.*
Soval: 🤦♂️"You are reckless!"🙍♂️
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #Shockwave
#shockwave #startrekenterprise #startrek #gremlin #soval #AllStarTrek
Archer: *Gazelle story*
"It takes us months before we're able to crawl, almost a full year before we can walk. Our deep space mission isn't much different. We're going to stumble, make mistakes, I'm sure more than a few before we find our footing. But we're going to learn from those those mistakes. That's what being Human is all about."
I mean, it's an odd speech, but for it to be appropriate Archer would have to ADMIT HE MADE A MISTAKE!🤦♂️
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #Shockwave
#shockwave #startrekenterprise #startrek #AllStarTrek
Soval: "In less than a single Earth year you've managed to engage in armed conflicts with over a dozen species. You've escalated the conflict between my people and the Andorians, which included the destruction of one of our most sacred monastaries. You helped 89 Suliban escape from detention. You may claim to be on a mission of exploration, I however consider you reckless and irresponsible...."
Not helping buddy😖
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #Shockwave
#shockwave #startrekenterprise #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek This whole interaction reminds me of Shepard's communications with the Council on board the Normandy in #MassEffect.
Council: "Like, yeah, my dude, you completed the mission but why'd ya have set off that nuclear bomb?"
Shepard: "Well, they were going to cure this Krogan diseaseand create a Krogan army! Ummm..." *breaks communication*
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #Shockwave
#shockwave #startrekenterprise #startrek #masseffect #AllStarTrek
Hi! *waves*
Studio Series DotM Soundwave (with Laserbeak) and Shockwave
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #michaelbay #soundwave #shockwave #darkofthemoon #transformersdarkofthemoon
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #michaelbay #soundwave #shockwave #darkofthemoon #transformersdarkofthemoon
We all know WaveOmega (Shockwave and Omega Supreme) is the coolest ship from Transformers. #Transformers #RobotsInDisguise #Shockwave #CoreyBurton #OmegaSupreme #JackAngel
#transformers #robotsindisguise #shockwave #coreyburton #omegasupreme #jackangel
“The #AR15 fires bullets at such a high velocity —…in a barrage of 30…-100 in rapid succession— that it can eviscerate multiple people in secs. A single bullet lands w/a #ShockWave intense enough to blow apart a skull & demolish vital organs.…impact is even more acute on the compact body of a small child.
“‘It literally can pulverize bones, …shatter your liver & it can provide this blast effect,’ said Joseph Sakran, a gunshot survivor #GunViolencePrevention advocate & #trauma surgeon
#ar15 #shockwave #gunviolenceprevention #trauma
Let me hear it IT and software developer community of the #fediverse. Do you program or at least maintain not-so modern form-based UI software like Windows Forms, Swing, etc? What about web based java applets or Silverlight? Do you still maintain flash or shockwave?
#fediverse #windowsforms #swing #java #silverlight #adobe #shockwave
Going through some of my old boxes from dad's and found my old Shockwave I don't think he ever actually gave me. Something to add to the retro shelf. ^_^
#decepticon #robotsindisguise #transformers #shockwave #retrotoys
#decepticon #robotsindisguise #transformers #shockwave #retrotoys
A little piece of mathematical art I made after coding a doppler effect animation for a physics course: these points generate shock waves as they travel around a polar rose curve. https://youtube.com/shorts/RTWbdzmK0r0 #mathart #doppler #physics #computerart #scienceanimation #science #shockwave
#mathart #doppler #physics #computerart #scienceanimation #science #shockwave
My books came in!!!! Doujin smut of TFA
Got them from here:https://otakurepublic.com/product/tag_page.html?tags=314047&bl=1&ref=product_page&type=desc_link_author
#Transformersanimated #TFA #gay #Yaoi #Blurr #Shockwave #Shockblurr
#transformersanimated #tfa #gay #yaoi #blurr #shockwave #shockblurr
My books came in!!!! Doujin smut of TFA
#Transformersanimated #TFA #gay #Yaoi #Blurr #Shockwave #Shockblurr
#transformersanimated #tfa #gay #yaoi #blurr #shockwave #shockblurr
One year ago, I submitted the 2006 web game Big Fat Awesome House Party (BFAHP) to Flashpoint. The game was taken offline in 2009 and was lost for over a decade.
Although the recovered version isn't the last one, this was still a huge achievement and will likely be my most important game contribution to the project.
After last week's patch, the game is finally playable in Flashpoint 11.1 Infinity.
#shockwave #flashpoint #WebGames #browserGames
Another early cover I did was Transformers: Best of UK: 3, featuring Optimus Prime and Shockwave teaming up. #Transformers #Optimus #Shockwave
#transformers #optimus #shockwave
Mysterious #shockwave cracks #Earth #magnetosphere – exposing the planet to dangerous #spaceradiation for hours
#spaceradiation #Magnetosphere #Earth #shockwave
Mysterious #shockwave cracks #Earth #magnetosphere – exposing the planet to dangerous #spaceradiation for hours
#spaceradiation #Magnetosphere #Earth #shockwave
#Mysterious #solar #shockwave has cracked #Earth’s #magnetospheres https://www.earth.com/news/mysterious-solar-shockwave-has-cracked-earths-magnetosphere/?fbclid=PAAaaVD9-ue9aHV3e4Hnae8XZWUHu8e_1im-3oLs87s8Ow-1VMdXeGkzwl1Bo
#mysterious #solar #shockwave #earth #magnetospheres