The art in #gokurakugai blows me away every time. #manga #shonenjump
#gokurakugai #manga #shonenjump
El #manga de #BlackClover dejará las páginas de la revista Weekly #ShonenJump y está cerca de alcanzar el clímax de su historia :3.
#manga #blackclover #shonenjump
What I do have time for when abroad is catching up with some reading. I really love the Shonen Jump app. Saves me a ton of cash and also helps me find new Manga to explore.
BEAT & MOTION is the absolutely first current Manga I've been reading. I usually focus on Mangas that have run their turn.
Getting a kick out of this one and have read the first 13 chapters and am now anxiously awaiting the next one.
It's a new reading experience not knowing how long the ride will be.
Who here has read The Hunters Guild Red Hood and what were your thoughts about it? #Manga #Fantasy #Werewolf #ShonenJump
#shonenjump #werewolf #fantasy #manga
Who here has read The Hunters Guild Red Hood and what were your thoughts about it? #Manga #Fantasy #Werewolf #ShonenJump
#shonenjump #werewolf #fantasy #manga
Who here has read The Elusive Samurai and what were your thoughts about it? #Manga #Samurai #War #ShonenJump
#shonenjump #war #samurai #manga
Who here has read The Elusive Samurai and what were your thoughts about it? #Manga #Samurai #War #ShonenJump
#shonenjump #war #samurai #manga
Who here has read The Comiq and what were your thoughts about it? #Manga #Mystery #ShonenJump
Who here has read The Comiq and what were your thoughts about it? #Manga #Mystery #ShonenJump
Planeta Cómic acaba de dar fecha a la salida del primer tomo de su nueva publicación Roboco y yo, manga de Shuuhei Miyazaki que lleva publicándose en las páginas de la Weekly Shonen Jump desde julio de 2020.
En Japón lleva publicados 13 tomos, y el primero saldrá en España el próximo diciembre :ablobcatattentionreverse:
Os dejo la sinopsis que deja la propia editorial en el tuit:
Bondo Taira, un niño de primaria normal y corriente, está deseando tener su propia sirvienta robot. Sin embargo, la excéntrica, alegre y torpe sirvienta robot que llega a su casa no cumple con sus expectativas... ¡para nada!
Un aspecto interesante sobre esta obra es que cada portada parodia la portada de un manga muy famoso, os recomiendo muchísimo googlearlo.
Esta primera portada parodia una de una gato cósmico muy especial :ablobcat_hyperthinking:
#Manga #PlanetaComic #Me&Roboco #ShonenJump
#manga #planetacomic #me #shonenjump
#tenmakucinema is my favorite current #manga. No fights, no contests for affection, just a budding director, a gifted actress, and a fascination with filmmaking. #shonenjump
#tenmakucinema #manga #shonenjump
But I want it NOW... #manga #shonenjump #SPYxFAMILY
#manga #shonenjump #spyxfamily
Who here has seen Dream 9 Toriko x One Piece x Dragon Ball Z Super Collaboration Special and what were your thoughts about it? #Anime #Crossover #DragonBall #OnePiece #Toriko #ShonenJump
#shonenjump #toriko #onepiece #dragonball #crossover #anime
Who here has seen Dream 9 Toriko x One Piece x Dragon Ball Z Super Collaboration Special and what were your thoughts about it? #Anime #Crossover #DragonBall #OnePiece #Toriko #ShonenJump
#shonenjump #Toriko #onepiece #dragonball #crossover #anime
Who here has seen or read Toriko and what were your thoughts about it? #Anime #Cooking #Hunting #Adventure #Fantasy #ShonenJump
#shonenjump #fantasy #adventure #hunting #cooking #anime
Who here has seen or read Toriko and what were your thoughts about it? #Anime #Cooking #Hunting #Adventure #Fantasy #ShonenJump
#shonenjump #fantasy #adventure #hunting #cooking #anime
I probably don't need to ask given how mainstream it is but who here has seen One Piece and what were your thoughts about it? #Anime #Pirate #Comedy #Fantasy #Adventure #ShonenJump
#shonenjump #adventure #fantasy #comedy #pirate #anime
I probably don't need to ask given how mainstream it is but who here has seen One Piece and what were your thoughts about it? #Anime #Pirate #Comedy #Fantasy #Adventure #ShonenJump
#shonenjump #adventure #fantasy #comedy #pirate #anime
Who here has seen or read KochiKame Tokyo Beat Cops and what were your thoughts about it? #Anime #Comedy #ShonenJump
Who here has seen or read KochiKame Tokyo Beat Cops and what were your thoughts about it? #Anime #Comedy #ShonenJump