A wee bit of baby-blue seaglass. County Clare, Ireland.
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#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #DiscoverIreland #KeepDiscovering #shorefinds #lowtidetreasures #seaglass #blueseaglass #ireland
The ghostly impression of a fossilized Goniatite showing in this shoreworn shale pebble. Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Ireland.
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A tiny fossil bivalve.
County Donegal, Ireland.
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#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #DiscoverIreland #KeepDiscovering #shorefinds #fossils #irishfossils #bivalves #geology #ireland
Shades of Seaglass green.
County Clare, Ireland.
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#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #DiscoverIreland #KeepDiscovering #shorefinds #lowtidetreasures #seaglass #ireland
Another flowery sea pottery fragment 😍. County Clare, Ireland.
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#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #shorefinds #lowtidetreasures #seapottery #flowers #ireland
Compass jellyfish (Chrysaora hysoscella) washed up all along the shoreline this morning. Despite looking good enough to eat this species delivers a painful sting! County Clare, Ireland.
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#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #DiscoverIreland #KeepDiscovering #shorefinds #marinelife #biodiversity #jellyfish #compassjellyfish #ireland
Sea pottery flower, County Donegal, Ireland.
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#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #DiscoverIreland #KeepDiscovering #seapottery #shorefinds #ireland
A beautifully patterned piece of Sea pottery - makes me curious to see what the entire design looked like 🤔
County Clare, Ireland.
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#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #shorefinds #seapottery #ireland
A Spider Crab (Maja squinado) shell - Irelands largest crab native crab species. County Clare, Ireland.
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#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #marinelife #spidercrab #crab #shorefinds #ireland
Star Ascidians (Botryllus schlosseri) these colonial tunicates come in a variety of colours and can be found along the lower reaches of the tidal zone. Each "star" is a colony and each "star arm" is an individual.
County Clare, Ireland.
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#WildAtlanticWay #marinelife #starascidian #shorefinds #ireland
A battered beauty - seaglass marble. County Clare, Ireland.
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#WildAtlanticWay #seaglass #marble #shorefinds #ireland
A patterned piece of what was likely once a prized platter.
County Clare, Ireland.
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Irish Earthenware - if only all fragments were as easily identified 🤣
County Clare, Ireland.
#WildAtlanticWay #shorefinds #ireland
A 320 million year old fossilized imprint of a Goniatite shell punctuates this pebble. County Clare, Ireland.
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A whale skull (Pilot Wale possibly) that's been perched on a rock and gently decorated. The Aran islands, County Galway, Ireland.
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#WildAtlanticWay #DiscoverIreland #KeepDiscovering #failteireland #shorefinds #lowtidetreasures #marinelife #biodiversity #whale #whaleskull #pilotwhale #aranislands #irelandtravel #ireland
A partially decomposed leaf in a tidal rockpool. County Galway, Ireland.
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#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #DiscoverIreland #KeepDiscovering #failteireland #shorefinds #lowtidetreasures #rockpool #irelandtravel #ireland
A King Scallop (Pecten maximus), the Aran islands, County Galway, Ireland.
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Large pieces of fossilized Crinoid stems. Crinoids are relatives of Starfish and Sea urchins that live on the ocean floors. When they die their bodies often break up into segments like the ones we see fossilized here. County Clare, Ireland.
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Fiadh taking a peep out of a Sea cave, County Clare, Ireland.
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#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #DiscoverIreland #KeepDiscovering #failteireland #seacaves #shorefinds #lowtidetreasures #dog #dogslife #irelandtravel #ireland
Sand patterns on the shoreline, County Clare, Ireland.
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#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #DiscoverIreland #KeepDiscovering #failteireland #shorefinds #lowtidetreasures #sandpatterns #irelandtravel #ireland