“For investors looking to generate excess profits on trades and investments, all of this is part of a dark and dreary picture.”
Investments require positive growth. The curve must be going up. When thinking in terms of calculus, the answer has to be positive.
#Capitalism #ShortTermThinking #GrowthEconomy #Economy #DoIKnowWhatIAmTalkingAbout
#doiknowwhatiamtalkingabout #economy #GrowthEconomy #shortTermThinking #capitalism
Funny how #townPlanners in #Australia keep pointing to #Europe as an example of #highDensity done right, and so they work on plans for 10-storey #highrise buildings. But many of these so-called "#planners" and #policyMakers are ***from*** Europe (#China to a lesser extent).
If #gentrification is so great, why didn't they stay there?
#paradox #plannersParadox #immigration #falsePlan #speculators #speculation #quickBuck #shortTermThinking #funny #hypocritical #Russian #Italian #Greek #British
#italian #greek #british #townPlanners #australia #europe #highDensity #highrise #planners #policymakers #china #gentrification #paradox #plannersParadox #immigration #falsePlan #speculators #speculation #quickBuck #shortTermThinking #funny #hypocritical #russian