"Major pharmacy chains say they have seen a recent uptick in antigen test kit sales.
Walgreens says is it experiencing greater demand for tests and is working diligently to ensure it has enough supply.
“We are expediting shipments to our fleet of stores and anticipate we’ll have ample supply by Friday,” the company said in a statement Thursday."
(sounds like not a manufacturing issue, but distribution/demand issue at retail)
#covid19 #test #shortage #supplychain https://www.kcra.com/article/at-home-covid-19-tests-demand/45048244#
#COVID19 #test #shortage #supplychain
Saw someone comment that the #US has a #teacher #shortage. There's no teacher shortage, there's a #pay and #workingconditions shortage. Fix that and America will be crawling with teachers.
#US #teacher #shortage #pay #workingconditions
This is an interesting issue in the #medication #shortage problem. I agree with this person. If the company holding the #patent for the medication is unable to produce it, maybe they shouldn’t have it.
Damn, major crisis in the US at the moment
https://archive.md/CL6Ma #adderall #shortage #ADHD #amphetamine
#adderall #shortage #adhd #amphetamine
It's getting really ugly out there #rice #shortage #rationing #India
#rice #shortage #Rationing #india
#Shortage of gum arabic, a key ingredient of #CocaCola, due to conflict in #Sudan. https://www.dw.com/en/sudan-crisis-spells-uncertainty-for-key-coca-cola-ingredient/a-66256836?maca=mastodon
TITLE: Medicare Proposes 3.36% Pay Cut for Docs—AMA Stats & Statement on Trends, Implications, Unsustainability, Necessary Overhaul
This is not just doctors -- psychotherapists will see the decrease in pay too -- right as the demand for mental health services surges, shortages of therapists emerge, and inflation skyrockets. Many private insurance plans adjust their pay rates to the Medicare rate, so this effects all psychotherapists in the USA taking insurance.
-- Michael
Thank you Dr. Pope for your summary.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
The AMA issued the following statement on the proposed Medicare fee cuts:
Proposed 3.36% Medicare pay cut shows why overhaul is badly needed
What’s the news: The cost of practicing medicine is hitting a high mark for the 21st century, yet doctors are facing a 3.36% cut in pay under the proposed 2024 Medicare physician payment schedule published yesterday.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposal “is a critical reminder that patients and physicians desperately need Congress to develop a permanent solution that addresses the financial instability and threatens access to care,” said AMA President Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH.
The pay schedule estimates the Medicare Economic Index (MEI)—the government’s measure of inflation in medical practice costs—will hit 4.5%, which comes on top of 2023’s 3.8% rise.
“In the face of these growing costs of running a medical practice, physicians have faced the COVID pandemic and increased inflation. Not only have Medicare payments failed to respond, but physicians saw a 2% payment reduction for 2023, creating an additional challenge at a perilous moment,” Dr. Ehrenfeld noted.
Learn about how you can take part in the fight to fix Medicare on behalf of your patients and practices at the AMA's Fix Medicare Now website.
Leading the charge to reform Medicare pay is the first pillar of the AMA Recovery Plan for America’s Physicians.
The AMA has challenged Congress to work on systemic reforms and make Medicare work better for you and your patients. Our work will continue, fighting tirelessly against future cuts—and against all barriers to patient care.
Why it’s important: Medicare physician payment effectively declined (PDF) 26% from 2001 to 2023, even before additional inflation and these cuts are accounted for.
Doctors have seen “seven lean years that include a pandemic and rampaging inflation,” Dr. Ehrenfeld said. “Physicians need relief from this unsustainable journey.”
It’s widely acknowledged by the experts that chronically inadequate Medicare payment rates will eventually take a toll on older adults’ access to high-quality care.
“These increasingly thin or negative operating margins disproportionately affect small, independent, and rural physician practices, as well as those treating low-income or other historically minoritized or marginalized patient communities,” Dr. Ehrenfeld said.
“Piling on more cuts is an unsustainable approach. Congress needs to turn its attention to fixing Medicare so we can preserve access for patients.”
Fortunately, Dr. Ehrenfeld said, “momentum is building for reform,” noting that the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission in January recommended for the first time that a physician payment update be tied to the MEI.
Then in the spring, a bill was introduced in Congress to tie the Medicare physician payment schedule to MEI. The bipartisan bill—H.R. 2474, the Strengthening Medicare for Patients and Providers Act—was introduced by California Democratic Reps. Raul Ruiz, MD, and Ami Bera, MD, along with Republicans Larry Bucshon, MD, of Indiana, and Mariannette Miller-Meeks, MD, of Iowa. The legislative effort could put Congress on the path to finally reforming the outdated Medicare payment system.
While the AMA’s experts are still analyzing the nearly 2,000-page proposed rule from the CMS in detail, another notable point is that CMS is proposing to increase the performance threshold to avoid a penalty in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) from 75 points to 82 points.
CMS estimates this would result in an increase in the number of MIPS eligible clinicians who would receive a penalty of up to negative 9%. The AMA will strongly oppose increasing the threshold and is alarmed that CMS would propose an increase that results in significantly more physicians being penalized by MIPS, as the program has been largely paused since 2019 due to the significant disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research (PDF) continues to show that MIPS is:
Unduly burdensome. Disproportionately harmful to small, rural and independent practices.
Exacerbating health inequities.
Divorced from meaningful clinical outcomes.
The AMA is also urging (PDF) Congress to make statutory changes to improve MIPS and address these fundamental problems with the program.
Learn more: The AMA has declared Medicare physician payment reform to be an urgent advocacy and legislative priority. To help physician advocates and lawmakers get a stronger a grasp on the complicated terrain of Medicare physician payment reform, the AMA has developed a series of additional explainers that outline problems with the issues mentioned above and offer solutions:
The Medicare Economic Index (PDF).
Medicare physician payment adequacy: Budget neutrality (PDF).
Merit-based Incentive Payment System (PDF).
Advancing value-based care with alternative payment models (PDF).
Transitioning to value-based care: Clinical data registries (PDF).
Visit AMA Advocacy in Action to find out what’s at stake in reforming Medicare payment and other advocacy priorities the AMA is actively working on.
Ken Pope
Ken Pope, Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas, Hector Y. Adames, Janet L. Sonne, and Beverly A. Greene
Speaking the Unspoken: Breaking the Silence, Myths, and Taboos That Hurt Therapists and Patients (APA, 2023)
Merely forwarded by:
Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD
#medicare #privatization #CMS #healthcare #psychology #counseling #socialwork @psychotherapists @psychology @socialpsych #mentalhealth #doctors #inflation #shortage
#medicare #privatization #cms #healthcare #psychology #counseling #socialwork #mentalhealth #doctors #inflation #shortage
#Shortage of #antibiotics could worsen #syphilisepidemic in the #US
#shortage #antibiotics #syphilisepidemic #us
Has anyone else experienced supply chain issues with their chemo treatments? I was getting 5FU via infusion every two weeks, but there is a nationwide shortage of it, so my oncologist suggested switching over to pill substitute. Efficacy is supposed to be the same. #cancer #chemo #supplychain #shortage
#cancer #chemo #supplychain #shortage
#Sriracha shortage? ABC: "Sriracha sauce is selling for as much as $120 amid prolonged shortage" #shortage https://abc11.com/sriracha-hot-sauce-shortage-price-gouging/13440547/
#SabineHossenfelder - Is the #Microchip #Shortage over yet?
#COVID #Pandemic #SupplyProblem #MicroElectronics #Electronics #ConsumerElectronics #Computers #ComputerSales #Microchips #Taiwan #TSMC #ASML
#asml #tsmc #taiwan #microchips #computersales #computers #consumerelectronics #electronics #microelectronics #supplyproblem #pandemic #COVID #shortage #microchip #sabinehossenfelder
Medical staff desperately needed. Please apply within. Thanks, Signed, USA! 😵💫😵💫😵💫
#doctors #nurses #medical #profession #shortage #lack #hospital #usa #obamacare #medicare #coverage #covid
#doctors #nurses #medical #profession #shortage #Lack #hospital #USA #obamacare #Medicare #coverage #covid
US doctors forced to ration as cancer drug shortages hit nationwide - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65791190 #capitalism #drugs #shortage #cancer #treatment
#treatment #cancer #shortage #drugs #capitalism
#Bangladesh facing a #power #shortage and #outages due to lack of fuel, because of a massive #heatwave. Al Jazeera: "Bangladesh shut its biggest power plant Monday because it was unable to afford the coal to fuel it, as a sweltering heatwave creates surging electricity demand." https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/6/5/bangladesh-facing-more-power-cuts-amid-fuel-shortage
#Bangladesh #power #shortage #outages #heatwave
Wednesday, March 22, was World Water Day. From Jaden Smith's "Water Box" filter to the number of times we wash our jeans and consume our burgers, this video shares with you the different solutions to the "impending" water crisis the world is facing.
Video: https://odysee.com/@fralibou:1/watercrisis:0
#france #water #shortage #drought #learningfrench #education #language #廣大興 #法文 #學法文 #學法語 #學習 #語言 #語言學習
#語言學習 #語言 #學習 #學法語 #學法文 #法文 #廣大興 #language #education #learningfrench #drought #shortage #water #france
#Russian #Labor #Shortage (which is what happens when you send people through a meat grinder, btw.. with a lot of the others fleeing elsewhere). https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/russian-labour-shortage-laid-bare-as-unemployment-drops-to-record-low/ar-AA1bX7CS