Ok ... here we go... something ends and something new will start.
Do you want to be my host or come into my town virtually? I will create a shorttrip with your avatar and mine in pictures maybe reels. Feel free to dm me
#margherhymesjourney #shorttrip
#pokemongo #pokemongoapp
#pokemongoar #arshot #gosnapshot
#pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
#margherhymesjourney #shorttrip #pokemongo #pokemongoapp #pokemongoar #arshot #gosnapshot #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity #pokemonlove
My review of the #BigFinish audio #ShortTrip - Dark Convoy
#bigfinish #shorttrip #doctorwho
The internet is flooded with pictures of the former concentration camp #Auschwitz #Stammlager and #birkenau
Therefore, here are some impressions I took on a could and lazy morning, when we walked a bit through the actual city of #oświęcim
#Poland #shorttrip
[- a nice drawing on a wall what I think is a school
- the marketplace
- a statue of a perhaps famous guy
- and a bell 😅 .... very obvious]
(unfortunately I cannot tell further what's exactly on the photos 🤷)
#oświęcim #auschwitz #Stammlager #birkenau #poland #shorttrip