New blog post: Rediscovering a Radio New Zealand International e-QSL card #Shortwave #ShortwaveRadio #DXing
#dxing #shortwaveradio #shortwave
New blog post: Rediscovering a Radio New Zealand International e-QSL card #Shortwave #ShortwaveRadio #DXing
#dxing #shortwaveradio #shortwave
🇲🇲 Myanmar Radio received in Singapore 🇸🇬 on 19/08/23 at 1412z. QTH: East Coast Park. #Shortwave #ShortwaveRadio #DXing
#dxing #shortwaveradio #shortwave
This turned out working quite well. ~5m of #antenna wire taped to a fishing rod connected to my #tecsun #pl368 using a crocodile clip. Strong signals and noticeably higher SNR. #shortwaveradio #hamradio
#hamradio #shortwaveradio #pl368 #tecsun #antenna
Canadian Content Radio Returns To The Airwaves!
#shortwaveradio #canadiancontentradio
Anyone who watches this video or is well-informed on the details: what is your opinion of RM-11953 & whether or not hams & the ARRL ought to oppose this proposal? I’m interested in your take on this. ~ See post above for link. ~ “The most coherent and well-reasoned commentary I’ve heard on this topic yet. #HamRadio #hamr #RM11953 #HFradio #ShortwaveListening #ShortwaveRadio ~ ‘RM-11953 means the end of HF. Every ham radio operator should oppose it.’”
#HamRadio #hamr #rm11953 #hfradio #shortwavelistening #shortwaveradio
The most coherent and well-reasoned commentary I’ve heard on this topic yet. #HamRadio #hamr #RM11953 #HFradio #ShortwaveListening #ShortwaveRadio ~ “RM-11953 means the end of HF. Every ham radio operator should oppose it.” ~ via @YouTube
#HamRadio #hamr #rm11953 #hfradio #shortwavelistening #shortwaveradio
2100PDT / 2300CDT Sunday night / Monday morning at 0000EDT / 0400UTC: #VORW (The Voice of the Report of the Week) on the air (4840kHz #shortwave) with news updates & listener requested music. Or streaming online at: ~ #ShortwaveListening #ShortwaveRadio
#vorw #shortwave #shortwavelistening #shortwaveradio
🇦🇺 More time travel today. Radio Australia from 06/12/16 at 1300z. Recorded outdoors using Toshiba Encore Windows tablet, AirSpy R2, SpyVerter, UMB130 balun and 2x6m dipole. #Shortwave #ShortwaveRadio
🇮🇳 Doing a bit of radio time travel today. All India Radio National Channel on 9380 kHz on 15/09/2015 at 1729z. Sadly no longer with us. #Shortwave #ShortwaveRadio
They're not transmitting it on ham radio. It's a "shortwave" station, not a "ham" station.
#shortwavelistening #swl #shortwaveradio #notactuallyhamradio
New blog post: Shortwave listening atop Sant Pere Màrtir in Barcelona. #Shortwave #ShortwaveRadio #DXing #Barcelona
#barcelona #dxing #shortwaveradio #shortwave
Radio Waves: FCC Comments on Shortwave Trading, QTC eBook, Golden Years, and SDRconnect Demo
#QTC #RadioNostalgia #RayRedwood #SDRplay #ShortwaveRadio #ShortwaveTrading
#shortwavetrading #shortwaveradio #sdrplay #rayredwood #radionostalgia #QTC
BBC Kranji shortwave relay station to close July 16, 2023
#AWRWavescan #BBCKranji #BBCSingapore #Encompass #JeffWhite #ShortwaveRadio
#shortwaveradio #jeffwhite #encompass #bbcsingapore #bbckranji #awrwavescan
Shortwave Modernization Coalition: Public comment period on new proposal
#BennKobb #ExperimentalRadioNews #ShortwaveModernizationCoalition #ShortwaveRadio #ShortwaveTrading
#shortwavetrading #shortwaveradio #shortwavemodernizationcoalition #experimentalradionews #bennkobb
Radio Waves: Sri Lanka DRM, Czech Radio, Ham Radio Ops Ready for Disaster, Space Pirates, FM Not Far Behind AM, and AM Hearing Live Today
#AMRadio #CzechRadio #FMRadio #Nostalgia #PirateRadio #ShortwaveRadio #SriLanka
#srilanka #shortwaveradio #pirateradio #nostalgia #fmradio #czechradio #amradio
Dear RTI Postcard Collection
#shortwaveradio #RTI #radiotaiwaninternational #pauljamet
European Parliament: Special Multilingual Europe Day Show from Brussels and Strasbourg, May 6-13, 2023
#shortwaveradio #robertaspogorelis #europeday #europarl
Radio Waves: State of AM Radio, Quindar Tones Hack, AI DJs, BBC Pop-Up Station for Sudan, Artemis II & Ham Radio, and a Morse Revival
#AIDJs #AMRadio #ArtemisII #BBC #CW #MorseCode #Quindar #QuindarTones #RadioWaves #ShortwaveRadio #Sudan
#sudan #shortwaveradio #radiowaves #quindartones #quindar #morsecode #cw #bbc #artemisii #amradio #aidjs
great MW AM station i was listening to yesterday morning, they play hits from the 70/80/90s basically nonstop.
#shortwave #shortwaveradio #mw #am #sdr #Superhetrodyne #superheterodyne
#shortwave #shortwaveradio #mw #am #sdr #Superhetrodyne #superheterodyne