For #KQEDarts, I laid out my top-10 summer theatre picks in the Bay Area. Some great stuff happening as the sweltering months swarm upon us. Shows include #ShotgunPlayers, #SFCurran, #TheatreWorksSV, #SFPlayhouse, #ACTSF, #OaklandTheaterProject, #BerkeleyRep, #LorraineHansberryTheatre, #MarinShakes, #ZBelow #hellatheatre
#kqedarts #shotgunplayers #sfcurran #theatreworkssv #sfplayhouse #actsf #oaklandtheaterproject #berkeleyrep #lorrainehansberrytheatre #marinshakes #zbelow #hellatheatre
Note to man in audience who, at the curtain call for #VinegarTom, shouted gleefully "You're all so deliciously evil!" at the "witches":
I don't think you really got the play.
I've owned the album of this show for a very long time so going to see a production was a treat. And it was great! Grace Ng, the actor who played Wilhelm, was particularly excellent. They've extended the run -- if you're in the Bay Area you should try to see it.
#theatre #shotgunplayers #blackrider
Shotgun Players' The Black Rider Is a Bleak Musical
#theatre #shotgunplayers #blackrider