Finally got the 6th panel up. Had to extend the schedule 40 3" pipe 2'. As I type I'm making about 2.2KW. System is rated at 3.2. Its hot and hazy so less power out.
Die #Butter in meinem Flug zur #DebConf23 ist vom oesterreichischem Tuev geprueft (?)
Mir ist das ja irgendwie ... raetselhaft? Vielleicht macht das aber fuer irgendjemanden Sinn und es mag mich jemand aufklaeren :)
#butter #DebConf23 #shotonlibrem5 #verwirrt #dazed #confused
cw'ed in case you're coming as well and don't want to spoilered!
#DebConf23 #Debian #ShotOnLibrem5
#MostlyHarmless #trisquel #proxmox #tails #ubuntu #devuan #netboot #yunohost #archlinux
#DebConf23 #debian #shotonlibrem5 #mostlyharmless #trisquel #proxmox #tails #ubuntu #devuan #netboot #yunohost #archlinux
Seems like I forgot attaching a picture in my excitement!
" On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero".
Sadly, this is also true for aluminum-made drumsticks... RIP
#heavyrock #drummer #shotonlibrem5
The camera app would've been recoverable in 10secs if I would immediately have thought of
The solution/workaround would have been to refocus #millipixels
so that it starts streaming again.
I've been wanting to try out the latest #megapixels as well ... 🤔
#millipixels #megapixels #shotonlibrem5 #slidesonlibrem5
Back from #XtremeFest where I volunteered as a bartender for the past 3 nights: heaven for #PunkRock/#HxC lovers, human-sized (~2k people each night), with a small lake/beach for swimming and recovering during the afternoons! Likely one of the best festivals out there if you're into this kind of music! 🤟 🎸
Oh, and yes, we also have a bar inside a skateboard bowl! 🛹
#xtremefest #punkrock #wallsofjericho #hardcore #shotonlibrem5
A group of artists had some kind of event and put some new #graffiti on an abandoned factory near the park in #haarlem. I don't know why but I love it.
#graffiti #haarlem #shotonlibrem5 #streetart
Week-end fun with my #PinePhonePro!
Running @danctnix with Phosh, #shotonlibrem5