If you think that JK Rowling is transphob you have been fooled by a sophisticated LGBTQ led Smear Campaing that foremost exposed shamefully what some woke people are up to: By no means a rational discussion.
If you think otherwise - challenge it! Do research. JKR said exactly *nothing* anyhow problematic and its extremely weird to see everyone attack her from mere reflex.
Read her text.
Read about the shitstorm.
Challenge Trans-Activists like you do anybody else - they are by no means more ethical than other activists, but quite on the contrary go to great lenghts and radical means to silence people who try to have a complex discussion about highly problematic things like #pubertyblockers who can irreperable damage your body.
#pubertyblockers #terf #jkrowling #activism #woke #sexism #shotstorm #trans