Today I discovered that #shoutcast radio is still a thing. Suddenly I'm whisked back to '90s Internet and reminded how much has changed since
Szukam jakiejś aplikacji, kompatybilnej z #icecast lub #shoutcast, której jedyną funkcją będzie: zapisz to, co zostaje wysłane na wbudowany serwer, najlepiej w źródłowym formacie i bitrate. ktoś coś?
Back in the late 90s, early 00s, when I was an overworked LAMPstack developer making web database 1.0, whatever bullshit, my caffeine-fueled code trance was stimulated by the grooves of one Monkey Radio
It wasn't streaming as we know it today, it was (one of the Winamp leads) Shoutcasting awesome tunes.
Some good egg has recreated the Monkey Radio playlist in Spotify.
#groovysexybeats #monkeyradio #shoutcast
Ooh! Why didn't anybody tell me #Shoutcast was back! Time to fire up #WinAmp again!
I used to listen to streaming radio and videos over a decade ago, but WinAmp's nullsoft radio directory went down years ago.
It looks like there's a new directory now.
#shoutcast #streamingradio
Wer über die Feiertage oder "zwischen den Jahren" mal etwas Zeit hat und über den Tellerrand hinaus schauen möchte, hier mal eine Liste von shoutcast stations zum reinhören.
So far, I've been enjoying Mastodon immensely. It feels like a "safer space" if I can call it that.
I'm recovering from the worst case of anxiety I've ever had If I'd had one in my childhood, I've blocked it out.
Fast-forward, before it gets too boring: I think I'm going to allow myself to stretch out a little more.
My interests are #ASL #ContactSigning #Esperanto #ElectronicKeyboards #Guitar #RoxyMusic #DavidBowie #DuranDuran #Eurythmics #Blondie #DrDemento #Shoutcast
Thanks for reading.
#asl #contactsigning #esperanto #electronickeyboards #guitar #RoxyMusic #davidbowie #DuranDuran #eurythmics #blondie #drdemento #shoutcast
@andypiper @makegeneve another one bites the dust. ahhhh. sad. #shoutcast used to be such an amazing wide-ranging facet of the online experience. a whole sea of experiences. now dispersed into many different separate littler distinct experiences- puddles.
@floppy I have already used butt (broadcast using this tool) client and #icecast in the past.
The main purpose of butt is to stream live audio data from your computers Mic or Line input to a #shoutcast or #icecast server. If you want you can also record your session.
butt is NOT able to stream audio files of any kind.
for reals, #shoutcast is down. please come back. i fear there are no ops to hug these servers. please, don't go. #hugops
it's not useless but damn do i miss #shoutcast being a flourishing bustling place. i still get a huge amount of my electronica and classical fixes off it but many other genres have crossed under the threshold of worth bothering about.