I am convinced George Jetson holds the record for getting fired and then getting rehired by the exact same company the most amount of times.
When i was in primary school, we would have weird recess debates about who the worst dictator was. Hitler? Zedong? Stalin? A dark horse (Pinochet, Franco, Pol Pot)?
Techbros are the modern equivalent. Who's the worst? Google? Zuckerberg? Dorsey? Musk (bought in but still).
#showerthoughts #techbros #fascists #technology
is it just me or does spending money with a bank card online not feel like actually "spending money"?
the date and the time of day are like different dimensions.
Since we are genetically similar to a banana, does that mean eating a banana is similar to cannibalism? Or would eating, say, a chimpanzee be closer? #showerthoughts
That super annoying whining noise that Teslas make when they’re reversing - is that a recording of Elon? 🤔 #ShowerThoughts
You know the guy who discovered that cow’s milk tastes good must have really been into some kinky stuff. 🤔 #ShowerThoughts
#showerthoughts on #politicalcapi
That the German SPD and FDP position themselves often against green policies might actually be quite smart. This way, they force the greens for (fiscal) concessions for those areas where all parties differ while still getting green policies “for free.”
So even when we assume green policies objectively serve the grater good, it makes still sense to be against them as center-party to gain political capital.
Also, green voters lose politically on other fronts.
#showerthoughts #politicalcapi
if rick is short for richard, dick should be short for dichard.
Overheard at the office, "You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube but you can brush your teeth." Damn that is profound.
#philosophy #showerthoughts #worklife
The whole "culture war" framing actually conceals something deeper: Democracy if done right should be strong enough to withstand deep disturbances in our societies. That we fear for our democracies is a sign of a deep constitutional crisis.
But while each functioning democracy looks the same, Alexander Clarkson is right that each country has their own constitutional crisis. By framing them all as culture wars, we blind ourselves.
Why don't we assign people UUIDs at birth and let them change names whenever they feel like it #ShowerThoughts
Would a water jet cutter work if you used copious amounts of piss, or would that gum up the systems because it's not water?
I wish God put out better patch notes on this whole life thing. If my build is getting nerfed i would like some confirmation
What is art for?
It's to uplift people and keep them going.
Therefore, my novels are art.