#ShowsOnTheGo at the moment
1. #TheBear - S1 3 eps in and loving it.
2. #VikingsValhalla - S2 3 eps in and this season isn't quite hitting the mark yet.
3. #TheEnglish - 2 eps in. 1st was great, 2nd dipped.
4. #CabinetOfCuriosities - 4 eps in and it's very average.
5. #TheLastOfUs - 1 ep in, loving it so far (loved the game though).
#TVShows #TVSeries #StreamingSeries #TV #Streaming #DisneyPlus #BBC #Netflix #HBO
#hbo #thelastofus #netflix #bbc #disneyplus #streaming #tv #streamingseries #tvseries #tvshows #cabinetofcuriosities #theenglish #VikingsValhalla #TheBear #showsonthego