"I love to travel, and the best part about our outdoor shoot schedules is that we are introduced to various parts of the world or our own country in bits and pieces of our free time ... I was happy to let go of some sleeping hours for the thrill of new adventures every night."
#Filmibeat wrote about Sourabh's night out to Sarafa Bazar with #SamirSoni and #ShwetaTiwari while on location in #Indore for #Showstopper 💕
#SRJ #SourabhRaajJain #sarafabazar #news #actorslife #showstopper #indore #ShwetaTiwari #samirsoni #filmibeat
A few days after shooting for #Showstopper wrapped up in #Indore, Digangana Suryavanshi posted some candid snaps from scenes together with Sourabh (which he also shared on Twitter):
📸 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpCkjilPqfp/
🐦 https://twitter.com/DiganganaS/status/1629120585191292929
#actorsLife #behindTheScenes #BTS #DiganganaSuryavanshi #HindiTV #ManishHarishankar #photography #SourabhRaajJain #SRJ #television #TV #webSeries
#webseries #tv #television #SRJ #SourabhRaajJain #photography #manishharishankar #hinditv #DiganganaSuryavanshi #bts #behindthescenes #actorslife #indore #showstopper
"Huge inspiration"
Between shoots for the film and #Showstopper, Sourabh Raaj Jain attended a convocation ceremony at Dr. D. Y. Patil B-School in Pune, as guest of honour, together with Anupam Kher — renowned actor, producer, author and #PadmaBhushan recipient. Sourabh wrote of his admiration for Mr. Kher on Twitter and Instagram:
🐦 https://twitter.com/saurabhraajjain/status/1624397844374233088
📸 https://www.instagram.com/p/CohaG1rITHY
#AnupamKher #DPUPune #DrDYPatilBSchool #DYPBSPune #Gratitude #Pune #SourabhRaajJain #SRJ #UntitledSRJFilmProject
#untitledsrjfilmproject #SRJ #SourabhRaajJain #pune #gratitude #dypbspune #drdypatilbschool #dpupune #AnupamKher #PadmaBhushan #showstopper
- If that thing that is out of our control is a #showstopper, it doesn’t matter what we do tonight. We get angry customers and we eat customer-visible #downtime in the middle of the business day while we scramble to upgrade things and prop the site up again.
- If it’s not a showstopper and we don’t act tonight, we don’t know what happens tomorrow morning.
- If it’s not a showstopper and we act tonight, customers get a working site tomorrow and we have runway for controlled upgrades.
I am really struggling to use @elk. While there are definitely some nice features and enhancements over the native #mastodon web interface, constantly losing my position in the feed is becoming a #showstopper.
Past preshow #burlesque #photoshoot with #performer friend, #SexPositive #advocate , #feminist #activist & #PEERSVictoria board member - #GingerKittens . I always had fun shooting with her.
#BlackAndWhite #portrait #pinup #SexWorkIsRealWork #SexWorkerRights #BeaconHillPark #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #CheesecakeBurlesqueRevue #SexySunday #Showstopper #FemmeFatale #fencenet
#burlesque #photoshoot #performer #sexpositive #advocate #feminist #activist #peersvictoria #gingerkittens #blackandwhite #portrait #pinup #sexworkisrealwork #sexworkerrights #beaconhillpark #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #cheesecakeburlesquerevue #sexysunday #showstopper #femmefatale #fencenet
Reading 'Showstopper' by Peter Lovesey from my local library. #books #Showstopper #supportlibraries
#books #showstopper #supportlibraries
Really pumped to cook food for my family this week. I've created an ambitious #vegetarian and #omnivore menu for my blended family and am also planning at least six pies. In my mind I'll be doing a #bakeoff #showstopper challenge! Main difference is the wine drinking throughout.
#vegetarian #omnivore #bakeoff #showstopper
Exciting news... 🥁🥁🥁 our brand family is growing!
Say hello to #Showstopper: an audacious new concept in #LiveMusic and a wholly owned subsidiary of Live Nation Entertainment, Inc.
@MikeBlazer Is this a #showstopper or a #mastodon #designFault leading to #fraud and #impersonation by #imposters using #fakeAccounts ? The fun part of #Twitter was trying to find a unique name !
#impersonate #imposter #fakeAccount
#showstopper #mastodon #designFault #fraud #impersonation #imposters #fakeaccounts #twitter #Impersonate #imposter #fakeaccount
Hop #pgadmin4 en version 4.10
... à cause d'un #showstopper issue " sur la version 4.9. Je ne connaissais pas cette expression !
Passez donc directement en 4.10 lors de votre mise à jour.
Les dépots pgdg debian sont à ce jour toujours en 4.8. Donc pas de souci