#Increadible: We reached the level of show trials. 😩 #ShowTrials #Austria #NoJustice #JulianHessenthaler
As soon as you think it can't get worst, it does.
#increadible #showtrials #austria #nojustice #JulianHessenthaler
"The Real Charge is Slave Rebellion". - Ruchell Magee, "Cinque": An SDS Pamphlet by Ruchell "Cinque" Magee; Students for a Democratic Society
#SDS, #showtrials, #trials, #slaverebellion, #August7thMarinCountyCourthouseRebellion, #BlackAugust, #MarinCountyCourthouseRebellion, #August7, #August7th, #prisonrebellion, #prisoneractivism, #politicalprisoner, #politicalprisoners, #antiblackness, #unitedstatesofamerika
A 1972 SDS pamphlet released sometime before November 27 (when Cinque's trial was set to begin) of that year.
#SDS #showtrials #trials #slaverebellion #August7thMarinCountyCourthouseRebellion #blackaugust #MarinCountyCourthouseRebellion #August7 #August7th #prisonrebellion #prisoneractivism #politicalprisoner #politicalprisoners #antiblackness #unitedstatesofamerika