I added Fra Mauro’s Map (1450) by Engineering Historical Memory https://engineeringhistoricalmemory.com/FraMauro.php
to my #ShowWithMedia #GeoMap page: https://showwithmedia.com/geo-map/
REALLY incredible interactive map example! And what a map too! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fra_Mauro_map
Via #4thPartOfTheWorld #TobyLester (Chapter 12) https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-Fourth-Part-of-the-World/Toby-Lester/9781416535348
#showwithmedia #GeoMAP #4thpartoftheworld #tobylester #geography #cartography #history #edtechsr
Learn more about creating and sharing “5 Photo Stories” like these on:
#create2learn #MediaLit #EduTooter #showwithmedia #edtech #NCed #PlayingWithMedia #edtechSR
#create2learn #medialit #EduTooter #showwithmedia #edtech #PlayingWithMedia #edtechsr #nced
“5 Photo Story” projects for January 3, 2023
I have created two versions: 1 with Adobe Express for iOS, which is a 5 image photo, collage, and another with Adobe Spark Video for iOS, which is a 5 image photo slideshow, set to music. I set the image time delay in the video version to 6 seconds, so the slideshow is 30 seconds long, with a 5 second credits slide. Total play time: 35 seconds. /1
#create2learn #MediaLit #EduTooter #showwithmedia #edtech #NCed #PlayingWithMedia #edtechSR
#medialit #edtech #PlayingWithMedia #edtechsr #create2learn #EduTooter #showwithmedia #nced