Weil ein Kollege gerade seinen Desktop mit 3 Monitoren bei uns im Slack gepostet hat, fühlte ich mich getriggert und hab mein Arbeits-Setup mal aufgenommen.
Wie sieht das bei dir aus?
#FOSDEM #showyourdesk : "It's not much, but it's mine". This is actually a "before" picture from my cable management showcase - new cat in the house kinda forced me to conseal as much cables as possible 😅
I didn't take time yet to do an "after" picture, the fact that after FOSDEM I needed to swap all door handles in the house kinda explains why :P
https://fosstodon.org/tags/showyourdesk# #FOSDEM #ShowYourDesk tag should be added threre are also pictures at https://twitter.com/hashtag/ShowYourDesk?src=hashtag_click&f=live And don't forget to follow @fosdem too
#FOSDEM 2022 Friday is less noisy than ritual party at #BxL #DeliriumCafe but you can still join fosdemers online
try to be creative and post funny pictures #ShowYourDesk
#showyourdesk #bxl #deliriumcafe #fosdem