Did I already told you my #daughter is the best ? I should !
For my birthday, she made a #ShowYourStripes (inspired by @ed_hawkins) Brazilian / friendship bracelet.
What a brilliant idea to always keep in mind the effects of the #climatecrisis and act accordingly!
Ok, I did hep her doing the color scale based on the #BerkeleyEarth world data.
#daughter #showyourstripes #climatecrisis #ClimateChange #BerkeleyEarth
@bouriquet From #ShowYourStripes showyourstripes.info I liked this one best as it shows the change most obviously, hard to ignore.
#TIL sobre las barras para ilustrar la pérdida de la #biodiversidad.
#ShowYourStripes #BiodiversityStripes
h/t @empiricism
#til #biodiversidad #clima #showyourstripes #biodiversitystripes
@gelleri Ist es der blaue Streifen in der Mitte von dem Bild? Wenn der letzte Streifen das Jahr 2022 ist und ein Streifen bedeutet ein Jahr, dein Geburtsjahr müsste 1996 sein🤔#showyourstripes😁
OK, I had to look up the whole #ShowYourStripes thing, to understand it.
Fascinating for #IL actually. Look at that huge difference from when I was growing up in the 70's to today. Feels right, and just what I remember.
The #Sustainability Mastodon server is for people that are interested in reversing the trend of Human activities that are heating up the Planet's atmosphere & causing a 6th mass #extinction event. https://sustainability.masto.host/
The image visually represents the data on human-caused global warming & #UK biodiversity loss between 1970 to 2018.
Data: LPI 2022. Living Planet Index database; DEFRA UK & UK Biodiversity Indicators https://biodiversitystripes.info/global
#sustainability #extinction #uk #climate #showyourstripes #biodiversitystripes
The #Sustainability is for people that are interested in reversing the trend of Human activities that are heating up the Planet's atmosphere & causing a 6th mass #extinction event.
The image visually represents the data on human-caused global warming & #UK biodiversity loss from 1970 to 2018.
Data: LPI 2022. Living Planet Index database; Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK & UK Biodiversity Indicators https://biodiversitystripes.info/global
#sustainability #extinction #uk #climate #showyourstripes #biodiversitystripes
Eineqch mal bein #Wetter|dienst #Südtirol nachgefragt, und promt bekommen:
- #Klima|diagramme zeigen nun rechts oben die Bilanz zum langjährigen Schnitt (1991-2020) an
- #Bozen (#Bolzano) hat nun #WarmingStripes
#wetter #sudtirol #klima #bozen #bolzano #warmingstripes #SouthTyrol #showyourstripes #ClimateAction
Wat gebeurde er in 172 jaar met de temperatuur in Nederland Regelmatig komt de temperatuurstijging als onderwerp langs. Daar heeft iedereen wel zo zijn ideeën over, maar nu is dat ook eens serieus onderzocht.De website ShowYourStripes is een project van […]
#EdHawkins #ShowYourStripes #temperatuur #temperatuurstijging
Blogpost: https://dan.frl/2023/06/temperatuurverloop-1850-2022/
#edhawkins #showyourstripes #temperatuur #temperatuurstijging
Sommeranfang - und so sieht es in #Bayern aus: Hitze und Dürre sind auch bei uns schon klar zu sehen.
Deshalb kämpfe ich im #Europaparlament für eine sozial verträgliche Versöhnung von Ökonomie und #Ökologie - in Bayern und #Europa!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/henrikehahn/status/1671417292477935616
#bayern #Europaparlament #Ökologie #Europa #showyourstripes
Heute ist Sommeranfang.
Die erste Hitzewelle des Jahres ist in vollem Gang.
Wiesen sind gelb, Bäume zeigen Dürreschäden.
Klimaschutz braucht auch Renaturierung! Dafür kämpfe ich im Europaparlament.
#showyourstripes (hier Rheinland Pfalz) https://t.co/2fTLleFFBp
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JuttaPaulusRLP/status/1671415459818745857
"The 21st century is when everything changes. And you've got to be ready" [*]
Thanks to @ed_hawkins 🙏
[*] But it's not alien invasions or space-time rifts in Cardiff. We did this to ourselves
Our planet, our countries and our cities are warming #Brussels
If you want to #ShowYourStripes and visualise what this means for the place you live, then this is a very handy website.
https://showyourstripes.info/ https://t.co/H6dZ6AK8HK
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1671438625530081281
New header image from showyourstripes.info/l/europe/… - the change in annual mean temperature in Wales since 1884.
Diese Grafik (für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) mit Erwärmungsstreifen müsste man nicht mehr erklären - eigentlich. Ich treffe aber auf zu viele Menschen, die den Klimawandel leugnen oder weiter abwarten wollen. Wir müssen handeln. Jetzt.
#ShowyourStripes https://t.co/1Z8cLvHNcy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nnienass/status/1671490464246120448
Warming warning stripes.
How many more dead canaries before governments finally decide to take climate change seriously and make it their number one priority?
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Ed Hawkins: BREAKING: the White Cliffs of Dover have been illuminated with the UK 'warming stripes' for #ShowYourStripes day!
These stripes represent the UK average temperature from 1884 to 2022 with blue colours for colder years and red colour…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PaulBrannenNE/status/16714074505897
RT Ed Hawkins
Thank you to everyone who got involved with #ShowYourStripes this year!
In the UK we lit up the White Cliffs of Dover and Tate Modern to encourage more climate conversations about the risks we face, the choices we can make and the actions we can take.
http://www.ShowYourStripes.info https://t.co/LsB8sOcY62
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ed_hawkins/status/1671976066468945932