Ayer vi la peli #ElGatoConBotasElUltimoDeseo y tengo que decir que las buenas críticas están totalmente justificadas. 🐈 Peliculón divertidísimo, al nivel de #Shrek y #Shrek2.
Más allá de la trama (toca temas bastante adultos, con varias reflexiones interesantes, tanto en su trama principal, como en sus subtramas, todas ellas bien conectadas) y el humor (en ocasiones, muy negro) tengo que destacar la innovación en la animación: las escenas de acción tienen otro estilo más de cómic que mola muchísimo. :apartyblobcat:
#Recomendada :blobcatyes:
#enlosmejorescines #elgatoconbotaselultimodeseo #shrek #shrek2 #recomendada
As a kid "going to the #cinema" wasn't a mundane thing to me. "Film" happened mainly on television for our family.
The next theatre was to far away & my parents just wouldn't have the money to go there on a semi-regular basis.
But during the summer months an out of town cinema operated a little "Beach-Cinema" for cheap admission, 10 minutes on foot away from me.
This is it today, years out of use, rusty, rotten & ugly.
But I ❤️ it for #SpiderMan2, #Shrek2, #MonstersInc, #Asterix, ...
#asterix #MonstersInc #shrek2 #SpiderMan2 #cinema
RT @DavidStNazaire@twitter.com
Vraiment #Shrek2 c'est un chef-d'œuvre de l'animation, un monstre d'humour jamais égalé ! Merci @TF1@twitter.com , rien de tel pour démarrer les vacances (et merci @Pepper0432@twitter.com 💚 de me l'avoir fait découvrir il y a quelques années)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DavidStNazaire/status/1604866090882023438
RT @Mel12201821@twitter.com
Shrek 1 & 2 sur #TF1 mais quel cadeau. 27 ans, je ne m'en lasserai jamais. #Shrek #Shrek2 #filmdenoël #
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Mel12201821/status/1604848123419000833
#tf1 #shrek #shrek2 #filmdenoel
RT @Astroboydu86@twitter.com
Noël commence vraiment avec les films de l’après-midi #Shrek #Shrek2 #TF1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Astroboydu86/status/1604819763351396354
Rivedersi #shrek2 con la propria bimba di 4 anni in casa al calduccio, davanti a una buona colazione, non ha prezzo. #buongiono
From the writer of "Shrek" comes "The Man Who Came and Went," a magically realistic novel about a grill cook who can mind read orders, and a small town diner that changes lives. https://amzn.to/3tP26ak #Shrek #Shrek2 #beavisandbutthead #beavisandbuttheaddoamerica #kingofthehill #theadventuresofpeteandpete
#theadventuresofpeteandpete #kingofthehill #beavisandbuttheaddoamerica #beavisandbutthead #shrek2 #shrek
To fight for rising loins(?)
#hornyJail #jenniferSaunders #shrek2 #meToo #weBlameJenniferSaunders #fediLyrics #misSungBeautifullyLyrics
#hornyjail #jenniferSaunders #shrek2 #metoo #weBlameJenniferSaunders #fediLyrics #misSungBeautifullyLyrics
This one's my favorite Shrek movie. Love me an Antonio Banderas cat 😂 #shrek2