I MacGyvered up a shrimp lolly using Shrimp King Yummy Gum and a bamboo skewer. These are my juveniles that were hatched about 3-4 weeks ago. I thought I'd put 2 blue and 2 yellow males in this tank as a clean up crew after cycling. 2 days later one of the blues was berried. Apparently dad must be yellow as all the shrimplets are wild type. I counted at least 38 in all from a still image, so minimum of 34 babbers. Well done, Mamma Blue. 🥰
#shrimp #shrimptank
Quite an entire molt. I wish I'd seen it happen. I also hope she's not going to get berried almost immediately again. Shrimp gonna shrimp I guess. #shrimptank
#shrimptank update, as it's been a while. Main tank is fairly full of red, orange and yellow, it appears most of not all of the blue ones died. We started a second tank just for shrimp with a lot less stuff in it and it's full of #orangerili and we plan to let them do their thing in their own tank.
Just managed to snap a (pretty bad) photo of one of the week old shrimplets on the back of the nerite snail. "Onward noble steed! .. oh I'm facing the wrong way". #shrimp #shrimptank
So I bought some shrimp. Ghost shrimp is what I asked for. Can anyone help identify this guy, the one who the long 'nose' and suspicious coloring? I'm pretty sure it's not what I asked for.
Edit: red nosed shrimp
All three of my ghost shrimp died last night. They were doing really well until I put an algae wafer in, then 2 of them crawled out and one just died, overnight.
Watching my shrimp is so calming. They don't even move and I like to see them.
About 6 months ago I removed all plants, fish and shrimps from one of my tanks to house a new species as well as use it as a plant nursery for aquatic-exclusive plants. I was cutting and trimming and replanting yesterday and discovered that a new population of cherry shrimp had taken hold. Apparently I didn't move all of them. Not only that, but one particular individual has a new mutation!
Photo of the mutated yellow shrimp, compared to one of its sibling.
#aquarium #neocaridina #shrimptank
Would love to start keeping shrimp again, but we travel too much to give them the care they need.
#shrimptank 🦐
The beetles got their post, let me introduce the shrimp, the fire red cherry shrimp (there’s at least 10 of them in the tank but this one I was trying to get a macro of how it was feeding. Look at its tiny little feet.
#cherryshrimp #neocaridina #aquarium #shrimp #shrimptank #fireredcherry #redcherryshrimp
#cherryshrimp #neocaridina #aquarium #shrimp #shrimptank #fireredcherry #redcherryshrimp
Gambitas viajeras! #neocaridina #shrimp #shrimptank
#shrimptank #shrimp #neocaridina
I think the shrimp are afraid of my camera lol, I been trying to get a pic of this momma for a few days now. We'll have new babies around New Year ☺️
#shrimptank #aquarium #aquariums #neocaridina
I think the shrimp are afraid of my camera lol, I been trying to get a pic of this momma for a few days now. We'll have new babies around New Year ☺️
#shrimptank #aquarium #aquariums #neocaridina