Edible or not?
We think it might be an out of season St George's mushroom. I'm always wary of pale gilled agaricus looking mushrooms as I was brought up to think of them all as poison!
Found growing solo in rough mown grass.
(Our detailed 'shroom identification books are in storage.)
Sneaky mushroom growing in the shadow of a flowerpot, on a big old pine stump. (Vertical image)
Ratapölkkysieni* on vaivihkaa kasvanut kukkaruukun jalustana toimivaan vanhaan männyn kantoon.
*iNaturalistin tunnistus, itse en tunne sieniä erityisen hyvin.
This is where real life is really at my dear mushroom tooters hahahaha #psilocybin #psilocybe #shrooms #shroomstodon #microdosing #connectivity #reallife be one w the shroom it continues to flow thru yr life once the dose is digested It’s the mycelium working the subconscious and the collective consciousness. These r very very very exciting times #thethirdwave https://thethirdwave.co/podcast/episode-85-julie-holland/Dr Julie Holland. What a lovely intelligent caring person. It’s from 2020 but still v relevant
#psilocybin #psilocybe #shrooms #shroomstodon #microdosing #connectivity #reallife #thethirdwave
Beautiful weekend for #gardening (although to be fair, we could use some rain).
The nasturtiums are doing so well they're almost getting weedy, but they're suppressing the kikuyu well, so I mostly leave them to it, and then pull them up where I need some more sunshine to the buddleia, the orange tree. Look what I found when I was doing that! We looked it up and think it's a peziza. Not sure I've ever seen one before. Exciting!
#gardening #fungi #fungus #shroomstodon
On a hunch, I searched for #mushtodon and found a decent number of hits. Then I tried #shroomstodon and got nada. Ah well. Another entry for #mosstodon:
#mushtodon #shroomstodon #Mosstodon #flickr