New #BloodSplatteredVlog!
This week The Horror Guru & Count Jackula review #BadThings!
A Shudder Original horror movie that's basically a Lesbian take on The Shining!
#Shudder #ShudderOriginal #Review #MovieReview #Vlog #MovieVlog #HorrorMovieReview #HorrorMovieVlog #HorrorMovie #TheShining #BadThingsMovie #ShudderExclusive #Review
#bloodsplatteredvlog #badthings #shudder #shudderoriginal #review #moviereview #vlog #movievlog #horrormoviereview #horrormovievlog #horrormovie #theshining #badthingsmovie #shudderexclusive
New #BloodSplatteredVlog!
This week The Horror Guru & Count Jackula review #FromBlack!
A Shudder Original about a woman who tries to bring her missing child back via a dark ritual!
#Shudder #ShudderOriginal #ShudderExclusive #Review #Horror #HorrorMovie #HorrorMovieReview #Vlog #HorrorVlog #HorrorMovieVlog
#bloodsplatteredvlog #fromblack #shudder #shudderoriginal #shudderexclusive #review #horror #horrormovie #horrormoviereview #vlog #horrorvlog #horrormovievlog
New #BloodSplatteredVlog!
This week The Horror Guru & Count Jackula review #TheAngryBlackGirlAndHerMonster!
A modern adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein that recontextualizes the story for the African American community!
#Horror #Review #Vlog #CryptTV #Shudder #ShudderOriginal #Shudder #Exclusive #MaryShelley #Frankenstein #HorrorMovieReview #HorrorMovieVlog
#bloodsplatteredvlog #theangryblackgirlandhermonster #horror #review #vlog #crypttv #shudder #shudderoriginal #exclusive #maryshelley #frankenstein #horrormoviereview #horrormovievlog
New #BloodSplatteredVlog!
This week The Horror Guru & Count Jackula review the Shudder Original: #Brooklyn45!
A claustrophobic horror film about World War 2 vets facing the ghosts of their past - both literal and metaphorical!
#Shudder #ShudderOriginal #ShudderExclusive #Horror #HorrorMovie #HorrorMovieReview #Vlog #HorrorMovieVlog #HorrorTuber #HorrorTube
#bloodsplatteredvlog #brooklyn45 #shudder #shudderoriginal #shudderexclusive #horror #horrormovie #horrormoviereview #vlog #horrormovievlog #horrortuber #horrortube
New Blood Splattered Vlog!
This week Count Jackula & The Horror Guru tackle #Skinamarink!
The latest Shudder original "Liminal Space" horror film about two kids terrorized by an unseen entity!
#SkinamarinkMovie #Shudder #ShudderOriginal #ShudderExclusive
#skinamarink #skinamarinkmovie #shudder #shudderoriginal #shudderexclusive
Shudder's SORRY ABOUT THE DEMON (2023) is a lot of fun and rarely scary.
#shudder #sorryaboutthedemon #horrormovies #2023films #newmovies #2023movies #shudderoriginal
#shudderoriginal #2023movies #newmovies #2023films #horrormovies #sorryaboutthedemon #shudder
New #BloodSplatteredVlog!
This week The Horror Guru & Count Jackula tackle Joe Bego's Christmas Bloody Christmas! A Christmas-themed, throwback slasher about a robotic killer Santa Claus!
#Shudder #ShudderOriginal #JoeBegos #ChristmasBloodyChristmas #Slashers #Horror #MovieReview #Review
#bloodsplatteredvlog #shudder #shudderoriginal #joebegos #christmasbloodychristmas #slashers #horror #moviereview #review