First TikTok... Everyday I'm Shuffling!
#magic #cardistry #satisfying #magician #playingcards #shuffling #bicycledeck
#bicycledeck #shuffling #playingcards #magician #satisfying #cardistry #magic
Kotaku: Useless Magikarp Is One Of The Most Valuable Pokémon Cards In New TCG Set #gaming #tech #kotaku #pokemontradingcardgame #roleplayingvideogames #collectiblecardgames #humaninterest #wochientinglu #playingcard #shinjikanda #akiraegawa #shuffling #magikarp #gyarados #superrod #chienpao #nurikabe #pokemon #roxanne #tinglu #marnie #kodama #chiyu #eevee
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #pokemontradingcardgame #roleplayingvideogames #collectiblecardgames #humaninterest #wochientinglu #playingcard #shinjikanda #akiraegawa #shuffling #magikarp #gyarados #superrod #chienpao #nurikabe #pokemon #roxanne #tinglu #marnie #kodama #chiyu #eevee
Math Reveals How Many Shuffles Randomizes a Deck - Math — and some clever simulations — have revealed how many shuffles are required ... - #randomizing #shuffling #random #games #cards #math
#math #cards #games #random #shuffling #randomizing
Binance 'not planning any layoffs,’ 500 roles to be filled in H1 - A Binance spokesperson told Cointelegraph that they hired 600 peo... - #centralizedexchange #spokesperson #joblistings #shuffling #exchanges #false-tip #layoffs #hirings #rumors #usdc #cefi #btc #cz
#cz #btc #cefi #usdc #rumors #hirings #layoffs #false #exchanges #shuffling #joblistings #spokesperson #centralizedexchange
#SongOfTheDay, thanks to a reference on #TheDailyShowWithJohnOliver
#PartyRock #LMFAO #shufflin #shuffling #IsInTheHouseTonight @JohnOliver
(sadly accurate joke/observation in the comments on the #musicVideo:
2011: Every day I'm shufflin'
2020: Every day I'm suffering)
#songoftheday #thedailyshowwithjohnoliver #partyrock #lmfao #shufflin #shuffling #isinthehousetonight #musicvideo
RT @virtigation: Against #PlantViruses like #ToLCNDV, which jumped from🍅to🥒to wreak havoc in 🇪🇺, using #invitro #recombination methods is crucial to keep up with #viral evolutionary mechanisms. New #VIRTIGATION #ScienceUnveiled edition explores one such method known as #DNA segment #shuffling:
#PlantViruses #ToLCNDV #InVitro #recombination #viral #VIRTIGATION #ScienceUnveiled #DNA #shuffling
#shuffling #playingcards #deckofcards #sleightofhand #triangle #animatedgif
#shuffling #playingcards #deckofcards #sleightofhand #triangle #animatedgif
#shuffling #playingcards #deckofcards #sleightofhand #triangle #animatedgif
impressive shuffling...
#impressive #shuffling #backwards #marble #steps #dog #animatedgif
#impressive #shuffling #backwards #marble #steps #animatedgif
impressive shuffling...
#impressive #shuffling #backwards #marble #steps #dog #animatedgif
#impressive #shuffling #backwards #marble #steps #animatedgif
impressive shuffling...
#impressive #shuffling #backwards #marble #steps #dog #animatedgif
#animatedgif #marble #impressive #shuffling #backwards #steps