#ThisIsPopBaby is teaming up with artist Brian Teeling to pay homage to legendary Shuhada' Sadaqat (Sinéad O'Connor) and her iconic 'Irish Princess' tshirt.
On sale for a limited time, with proceeds going to Muslim Sisters of Éire (MSoE).
👕 https://thisispopbaby.com/product/irish-princess/
#ShuhadaSadaqat #SinéadOConnor #MastoDaoine #BrianTeeling #MuslimSistersOfÉire #MSOE
#thisispopbaby #shuhadasadaqat #sineadoconnor #mastodaoine #brianteeling #muslimsistersofeire #msoe
For the days that’s in it, and farewell to #SineadOConnor #ShuhadaSadaqat This podcast taught me more about her life and work and those other big events, thank any new paper report or article. Well worth the listen https://www.buzzsprout.com/1112270
#sineadoconnor #shuhadasadaqat
Just going to wallow for a minute in this, a recording by Sinead O'Connor of a Cranberries song, performed as a tribute to their lead singer, Dolores O'Riordan (1971–2018). And now, as a tribute to them both.
• Dolores O'Riordan and Sinéad O'Connor – No Need to Argue
#music 😔 #SineadOConnor #ShuhadaSadaqat #DoloresORiordan #IrishMusic
#irishmusic #doloresoriordan #shuhadasadaqat #sineadoconnor #Music
#BlackBoysOnMopeds, live performance on "The Late Show with David Letterman," 1990
#ripsinead #SinéadOConnor #sineadoconnor #sinead #ShuhadaSadaqat #activism #legend #peace #humanrights #music #GratefulDreadSets #MusicOfMastodon
#blackboysonmopeds #ripsinead #sineadoconnor #sinead #shuhadasadaqat #activism #legend #peace #humanrights #music #gratefuldreadsets #musicofmastodon
This month's #CriticalMass Dublin included a moving tribute to Shuhada' Sadaqat / Sinéad O'Connor through the south city centre.
Thanks to Peter of @IBIKEDublin for this month's playlist.
#CriticalMassDub #Shuhada #ShuhadaSadaqat #Sinead #SineadOConnor #MastoDaoine
#criticalmass #CriticalMassDUB #shuhada #shuhadasadaqat #Sinead #sineadoconnor #mastodaoine
Je découvre qui se cache derrière le nom #SineadOConnor et le pourquoi de ces messages (oui désolé même si je connais la chanson, et la chanteuse, je n'avais pas retenu le nom... J'ai du mal avec les noms...). Mais du coup, je me dis je suis ptet pas le seul, et l'idée est de montrer ses respects à cette personne, alors pourquoi trop de monde utilise son ancien nom au lieu de prendre le nom qu'elle s'est choisi #ShuhadaSadaqat ?
#sineadoconnor #shuhadasadaqat
Tha mi ag èisteachd ri Universal Mother le Sinéad O'Connor. Abair album, abair seinneadair, abair boireannach
#sineadoconnor #mastodaoine #shuhadasadaqat #gaidhlig
"I don't know how I'll ever not be angry".
She ripped into institutions: state, church, pope, patriarchy, the predatory men around her. She was 'immature', 'ungracious', 'mad' for using her mournful, ecstatic voice to call out hypocrisy & abuse. She rejected the rot of piety, gave us new vocabulary, made it safer to talk about abortion, loss, trauma & hope. She trailblazed through hostility, shone a light, was a light.
She is such a loss to us.
#rip #sineadoconnor #shuhadasadaqat
100th Window by Massive Attack
One of my favourite ever albums. Best songs are Antistar, A Prayer for England, Butterfly Caught.
#Music #2003 #Electronic #SineadOconnor #ShuhadaSadaqat #MassiveAttack
#music #electronic #sineadoconnor #shuhadasadaqat #MassiveAttack