Jon Fazzaro · @fazzaro
70 followers · 345 posts · Server

"It is this Ri mentality, echoed in the agile manifesto, that has advanced and honed our techniques for successfully delivering quality software for over two decades."

#agile #shuhari #mastery

Last updated 1 year ago

Cale.Oh · @caleoh
0 followers · 11 posts · Server

Eventually, over time our practice transforms into a new practice that does not resemble our forms. We can depart entirely from the original forms with the experience of mastering the forms and fully grokking the value intended from them.

Scrum teams and organizations often move past Shu (and sometimes Ha) to avoid what feels like extra work and constraints that makes practice. Scrum is not designed to remove pain, but to make it obvious.

#shuhari #scrum #ha #ri #shu #theoryofconstraints

Last updated 1 year ago

Cale.Oh · @caleoh
0 followers · 10 posts · Server

Once we grok the value we are intended to obtain from the Scrum forms, we can modify to work better for us in Ha. ie: Holding a Scrum meeting every day causes more pain than value (having felt the real value of a daily scrum meeting, communicating clearly, and continuously completing sprint goals).

Too frequently we skip to to remove the pain without knowing the value from our practice.


#shuhari #scrum #ha #shu

Last updated 1 year ago

Valentin Nowotny · @valnowy
17 followers · 46 posts · Server

Stufen des Lernens, psychologische Sicherheit & Design Thinking Mindset

🔸 Was verbirgt sich hinter Shu Ha Ri? Und was ist der Nutzen davon?
🔸 Was ist der Zusammenhang von einer lernender Organisationen und agiler Adoptionen?
🔸 Was ist psychologische Sicherheit und wozu braucht man sie?
🔸 Wofür ist ein Desing Thinking Mindset hilfreich?

#shuhari #psychologicalsafety #designthinking

Last updated 2 years ago