Shure、空間オーディオモード搭載ヘッドフォン「AONIC 50(第2世代)」
#av_watch_impress #ヘッドフォン #Shure
#av_watch_impress #ヘッドフォン #shure
Shure「SE215 Special Edition」に新色グリーン
#av_watch_impress #ヘッドフォン #Shure
#av_watch_impress #ヘッドフォン #shure
これめっちゃ便利やん?音質どうなんだろう。 #shure #ポッドキャスト
@CSB Hmm. Maybe that's an issue that can be resolved with troubleshooting? I've never used #Shure products but with their reputation, I have trouble accepting that they would ship an item that's downright noisy.
Gizmodo: The Microphone Cardi B Threw at a Fan Is Up for Sale on eBay if You Have $100,000 #woundedwarriorproject #entertainmentculture #scottfisher #microphone #beberexha #gizmodo #cardib #avamax #tiktok #iphone #bloods #cardi #bodak #shure #up
#woundedwarriorproject #entertainmentculture #scottfisher #microphone #beberexha #gizmodo #cardib #avamax #tiktok #iphone #bloods #cardi #bodak #shure #up
Mikrofonvergleich: Shure SM7B und MV7
Shure SM7B (oben) und Shure MV7 unten
Das ikonische Design des Shure SM7B ist in beinahe jedem Video-Podcast zu sehen und ich halte das nicht für die beste Wahl. Im Kern ist das SM7B ein direkter Nachfolger des SM57 und des SM58. Alle drei sind dynamische Mikrofone und verwenden die gleiche Kapsel. Das SM57 wird vor allem für die Mikrofonierung von Musikinstr
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I've used #Shure 215s for almost a decade now and have never had reason to switch
Thanks to EA3CL (Jordi) and EA3BLN (Agustí) helping me to tune #Shure MV7 Mic running with my new #FlexRadio 6400.
Huge work. It hasn’t been easy. Finally mic connection is by USB directly to #Mac bypassing Focusrite which hasn’t work at all.
Still a lot of work to do. #WSTJ-x still not working and #RumlogNG for logging randomly fails.
#rumlogng #wstj #mac #FlexRadio #shure
Tip for anyone using the Shure MV7 series of microphones: buy the SM7B windscreen to replace the out of the box one.
It apparently provides better rejection of plosives (can imagine so due to the additional length and better quality foam); and it fits like a glove.
But let me be honest; I just use the above as excuses as it mainly just looks way cooler than the stock windscreen shown below it.
#shure #mv7 #sm7b #microphones
@CSB This has been a thing now...something of a point of contention at this point. @bandrew actually made a good video about it last night that I watched
I actually recently got the #FiFine #AM8 instead of the #Shure #SM7b, in part because it had a very similar sound from what I could tell, and it's both #XLR and #USBC compatible (it can even work with phones!), but also it is far, far cheaper.
But generally I think the difference of, say, a condenser microphone and a dynamic microphone will always be bigger than the difference between two dynamic microphones. As I understand it, the #SM7b makes sense for a lot of beginners/those with untreated rooms, not because it's an #SM7b, but because of how dynamic microphones pick up sound.
In some rare cases online, I've seen condenser microphones sound slightly better than dynamic microphones, but that's probably because the room is well treated (the instance that comes to mind is #H3TV, I'm pretty sure #EthanKlein uses a condenser mic)
#FiFine #AM8 #shure #SM7b #XLR #usbc #H3TV #ethanklein
Folks, any #Shure #VP88 #microphone users out there? I’m thinking of buying one to use handheld, and I’m wondering about wind protection. #fieldrecording #midsidestereo
#midsidestereo #fieldrecording #microphone #vp88 #shure
Elgato liefert meinen Sound
Ich habe jede Menge Audio-Gear, mehr als genug Headsets, aber wenn es auf guten Klang ankommt, dann benutze ich diese Kombination:
Das Shure MV7 ist das für mich ideale Mikrofon. Man kann es per USB anschließen, und das würde die nächste Komponente unnötig machen, aber bei mir ist es per analogem XLR-Kabel angeschlossen. Alternativ würde ich ein Shure SM58 nutzen. Beides sind dyn
@mybarkingdogs I'm not doing production personally, but IEMs generally should have flat profile and are generally no-bullshit. I personally love the #Shure IEMs and sometimes you can get even SE535s for about 100$ if you are lucky. But at least for the SE425 (new 300$) I find some resold for around that price point.
They are amazingly well-built, have a super clear sound profile, detachable cables and good warranty/service.