RT @sabir_zazai@twitter.com
The Home Office did not even listen to its own independent inspector, who raised deeply worrying and horrific concerns about the conditions at Manston. This tragic death and the 107 lives lost in the care of the Home Secretary previously were all avoidable.
#ShutDownManston https://twitter.com/ukhomeoffice/status/1594026304432922624
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sabir_zazai/status/1594309654779416576
RT @migrantsorg@twitter.com
We demand freedom 🌈
#ShutDownManston #StopDeportations
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/migrantsorg/status/1589286361974337537
#shutdownmanston #stopdeportations #SolidarityKnowsNoBorders