@atrupar For Murdoch's & his accomplices' money Tucker willingly exposes his a** for Fox "News" viewers ready to take the chance.
When alleged 'journalism" rather turns out to be malign prostitution.
#FreeSpeech #ShutFoxDown #NationalSecurityThreat #Manipulation #Disinformation #Misinformation #LiesInc #AmericaDeservesBetter
#freespeech #shutfoxdown #nationalsecuritythreat #manipulation #disinformation #misinformation #liesinc #americadeservesbetter
@caseyjonesed @StevenBeschloss Right! Truth didn't keep Fox "News'" paid liars from gaslighting their gullible audience.
Because for them it's a job to get richer. A despicable job.
#ShutFoxDown #Manipulation #Disinformation #Misinformation #LiesInc
#shutfoxdown #manipulation #disinformation #misinformation #liesinc
@ZhiZhu @froomkin When you're lying to prosecutors, you're going to get punished.
When you're a network lying to the people, you're going to get paid.
What's wrong with lawmakers?
#TruthWins #ShutFoxDown #Manipulation #Disinformation #Misinformation #Corruption #HoesOnAir
#truthwins #shutfoxdown #manipulation #disinformation #misinformation #corruption #hoesonair
@DataChick Still Fox "News" stubbornly & corruptly refuses to let its audience know the truth.
All fingers crossed for @dominionvoting!!!!πͺβ
#TruthWins #Dominion #DominionVoting #Democracy #FreeAndFairElections #ShutFoxDown #Defamation #Disinformation #Misinformation
#truthwins #dominion #dominionvoting #democracy #freeandfairelections #shutfoxdown #defamation #disinformation #misinformation
@ThomHartmann Fox "News" is not "free speech".
Fox "News" is intentionally criminal & corrupt (paid) speech to manipulate its audience.
Fox "News" is food against thought.
#FreeSpeech vs #HateSpeech #Manipulation #Misinformation #Disinformation #ShutFoxDown #DefendDemocracy #Democracy #YourVoiceMatters
#freespeech #hatespeech #manipulation #misinformation #disinformation #shutfoxdown #defenddemocracy #democracy #yourvoicematters
@truthat @godpod For many people it feels all too comfortable to not have a voice of their own β it relieves them of the hard work of thinking themselves, as suggested by those, who are smart enough to milk them.
#Education #Information #Care #ShutFoxDown #BanTheGOP #PartyOfLies #DefraudingAmerica
#education #information #care #shutfoxdown #banthegop #partyoflies #defraudingamerica
@Nonilex Fox "news" = Food against thought.
#TruthWins #DefendDemocracy #Democracy #ShutFoxDown #BetrayingAmerica
#truthwins #defenddemocracy #democracy #shutfoxdown #betrayingamerica
It's a pathetic & desperate move on Tucker's part, but....hey, look at his ratings. π
Attention, ratings, & money are all he cares about. Time to do real damage to his evil sadistic brand.
And make Tucker pay the billion dollar lawsit!
π π° #FreeRead @washingtonpost | Document drop in the #Dominion vs #FoxNews suit expected #Tuesday evening.
You won't see much if any #truth on that "Entertainment Network" this evening, but you undoubtedly will from the #documents. How heavily will they be #redacted?
βΆοΈ This is the #LIVE #WaPo feed on the subject. #Bookmark and visit as you wish to.
#propaganda #election #lies #tuckercarlson #seanhannity #smallpeoplebiglies #corruptaf #ShutFoxDown #AntiAmerican https://wapo.st/3JkJFD3
#antiamerican #shutfoxdown #corruptaf #smallpeoplebiglies #seanhannity #tuckercarlson #lies #Election #Propaganda #bookmark #wapo #Live #redacted #documents #truth #tuesday #foxnews #Dominion #freeread
@New_Narrative As it appears, Tucker Carlson gets taken to task for his intentionally infamous mismessaging too rarely!
#ShutFoxDown #Misinformation #Disinformation #HateSpeech #Incitement
#shutfoxdown #misinformation #disinformation #hatespeech #incitement
@gwaldby You know, who's a real tough guy?
Somebody, who watched Fox News *every day for 44 months* β as a critic of Murdoch's misinformation factory at Media Matters for America!
#DefendDemocracy #DefendAmerica #Democracy #ShutFoxDown #FoxLies
#defenddemocracy #DefendAmerica #democracy #shutfoxdown #foxlies
@gwaldby There's no efficient way around treating intentional mis- & disinformation, which cause harm as punishable criminal offenses β not as free speech, which approves & honors bad faith behind harmful mis- & disinformation.
So if for example some idiot seriously tells you to swallow disinfectant to treat COVID & you are gullible & naΓ―ve enough to believe him, and your inner organs get severely damaged as a result, he FFS needs to be held accountable & punished.
For the sake of justice & to set a deterring & warning example.
Same with harmful mis- & disinformation produced, paid & spread by lie factory Fox "News".
#RuleOfLaw #FreeSpeech vs #HarmfulSpeech #Misinformation #Disinformation #FoxLies #FixFox #ShutFoxDown
#ruleoflaw #freespeech #harmfulspeech #misinformation #disinformation #foxlies #fixfox #shutfoxdown
@flexghost "GOP"-dominated U.S. senates confirming "judges" & justices are backchanne insurance entities for biased partisan propaganda outlets like Murdoch's Fox "News".
#DefendDemocracy #DefendAmerica #DefendTheConstitution #ShutFoxDown
#defenddemocracy #DefendAmerica #defendtheconstitution #shutfoxdown
@tultican What is Fox "News" but a paid *lobby*, masked as "conservative news outlet" ordered to manipulatively conserve the rulership status quo & claim of the richest 1% (aka oligarchs) of the population?
Which naturally precludes the Rule of the People aka *democracy*.
#DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #Democracy #Politics #YourVoiceMatters #RaiseYourVoice #ShutFoxDown #Corruption #Bribery #Oligarchy
#defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #democracy #politics #yourvoicematters #raiseyourvoice #shutfoxdown #corruption #bribery #oligarchy
@RiaResists @isotope239 @tofugolem@mastodon.social @DangerousFruit The major source of misleading, dividing, riling up & readying for violence its audience is... Fox "News".
There's a lot of very good reasons it's banned in many countries of the free world being able to distinguish between free speech & inciting hate speech, no matter if it's distractingly mixed with "entertainment".
#DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #Democracy #FreeSpeech vs #HateSpeech #IncitementToViolence #IncitementToRiot #IncitementOfThePublic #ShutFoxDown
#defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #democracy #freespeech #hatespeech #incitementtoviolence #incitementtoriot #incitementofthepublic #shutfoxdown
@dangillmor @jayrosen_nyu If there ever was a reason to deny U.S. citizenship, it should've applied to Rupert Murdoch.
(Which is not to ignore the fact, that there have been more than enough white anti-constitutional, anti-democratic, anti-American individuals inside the borders of the United States even before Murdoch knocked on America's door to mislead, indoctrinate & incite the American people.)
#ShutFoxDown #Misinformation #Disinformation #Lies #ServingPutin
#shutfoxdown #misinformation #disinformation #lies #servingputin
@augieray The day Fox "News" launched into 17 million homes, Oct 7, 1996, is the day, that will live forever in infamy.
It's an anti-constitutional, anti-democratic, Kremlin-aiding & abbetting "Republican" super PAC, designed to sink Democrats (& American democracy) by all means.
And Dominion's lawsuit makes it clear for everyone to see.
#Democracy #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #TruthWins #Freedom #Fox #IndustryOfLies #Propaganda #Defamation #ShutFoxDown
#democracy #defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #truthwins #freedom #fox #industryoflies #propaganda #defamation #shutfoxdown
Even they donβt buy their own bullshit. #ShutFoxDown #potus
Off the air, Fox News stars blasted the election-fraud claims they made on their shows - NPR https://apple.news/AL3T4HEVDRRaAcKkAt8AdxQ
@kaydenpat @mog7546 DIM network:
Disinformation. Incitement. Misinformation.
Paid by reactionary oligarchs to undermine the #RuleOfThePeople aka American democracy.
Dark-money tyrants' hoes.
#Democracy #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #ShutFoxDown
#ruleofthepeople #democracy #defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #shutfoxdown