They cut his mic at the end. #ShutUpSlave
@elliswyatt I've often thought this over the past couple of decades. Those thoughts have been confirmed repeatedly in the past 8 years. #shutupslave
Weird #food
Available in Dayton Tx - Rabbit.
#rabbit #rabbitstew #slavefood #shutupslave
#food #grocery #rabbit #rabbitstew #slavefood #shutupslave #eatZeBugs
TIL that "Zion curtains" is a phrase and a real thing in Utah:
#politics #USA #Utah #zioncurtains #ITM #NoAgenda #NoAgendaBannedCamp #ShutUpSlave
#politics #usa #utah #zioncurtains #itm #noagenda #NoAgendaBannedCamp #shutupslave
“Stai zitto sciavo!” 🤘🏻💀🤘🏻 #italy 🇮🇹 #georgiamelonie #shutupslave
#italy #georgiamelonie #shutupslave
Multiple Chinese provinces cut international phone lines, claims scam countermeasure
#ccp #china #censorship #shutupslave
$33 Billion more for WW3?! How about... hmmm, let's see... FUCK NO! Stop this insanity! I mean, really, what in the actual fuck?! These lizard people are insane. Our country is unraveling and these crazy motherfuckers want to fund Ukraine. No! #itm #shutupslave #macaroniandcheapcheddarcheese
#itm #shutupslave #macaroniandcheapcheddarcheese
#Accountability for #vaccine companies
#accountability #shutupslave #vaccine #scam #politics #government #lies
#AHAD #weapon #control #shutupslave #themoreyouknow
@adam My wife is a pediatrician. She got this in an email today from the American Board of Pediatrics. It states that they can lose their board certification and possibly their medical license if they spread misinformation about the COVID vaccine. #shutupslave #dontcamyusa
Observations of a NYC Waitress #5
A co-worker asked what I thought about mask mandates being reinstated. "I think the vaccines are not what they sold them to us as," I said. A manager overheard our convo and told us not to talk about it as he passed. "The #1 news story for 18 months and we're not to talk about it?", I asked my co-worker. "Well, it's a very divisive subject," he said. "So? This is still the USA." #vaccine #covid #covid19 #masks #vax #vaccines #shutupslave @adam @Johncdvorak
#vaccine #covid #COVID19 #masks #vax #vaccines #shutupslave
It does not matter if you're a doctor. Tweeter listens to television doctors, the real ones. Not you! 🔇 #ShutUpSlave #censorship
@kevinbae "It's not racism when we do it." #SHUTUPSLAVE #nothingtoseehere
#nothingtoseehere #shutupslave