The severe heat warnings aren't the only thing on fire. @carlyraejepsen burned the house down with new album #TheLoveliestTime and panelist @jonnyminogue is burnt! Lead single #ShyBoy, funky and fierce, will set ablaze the dance floors. #newmusic #GPCD #podcast #podcasts #popCulture #music
#music #popculture #podcasts #podcast #gpcd #newmusic #shyboy #theloveliesttime
Happy anniversary to Bananarama’s single, “Shy Boy”. Released this week in 1982. #bananarama #shyboy #deepseaskiving #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #faheydallinandwoodward 🍌🍌🍌
#bananarama #shyboy #deepseaskiving #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #faheydallinandwoodward
Happy 40th anniversary to Bananarama’s debut album, ‘Deep Sea Skiving’. Released this week in 1983. #bananarama #deepseaskiving #funboythree #aieamwana #reallysayingsomething #shyboy #cheersthen #nanaheyheykisshimgoodbye #hesgottact 🍌🍌🍌
#bananarama #deepseaskiving #funboythree #aieamwana #reallysayingsomething #shyboy #cheersthen #nanaheyheykisshimgoodbye #hesgottact