[#SIAE2023🚀] Come to the #ParisAirShow @salondubourget until June 25th, at Le Bourget station, with the #RERB line. [THREAD 1/7]
🤖 21/06 15:22
[#SIAE2023 🚀] Le Salon International de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace @salondubourget se tient jusqu'au 25 juin, au Bourget. Le #RERB vous y emmène. #ParisAirShow [THREAD 1/7]
🤖 21/06 12:11
RT from Air Recognition (@AirRecognition)
#InternationalParisAirshow2023 #SIAE2023 – List of #militaryaircraft helicopters and UAVs on display
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/AirRecognition/status/1668570982385082370
#internationalparisairshow2023 #siae2023 #militaryaircraft