A Novel Measure of #Pain Location in Adults with #SickleCell Disease https://discovery.researcher.life/article/a-novel-measure-of-pain-location-in-adults-with-sickle-cell-disease/aa81211c60693dc9b18df2516c25486c
#SickleCellPainCrisis #SickleCellDisease #SickleCellAnemia
#health #Blood #BloodDisorders #science #medicine
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi
#pain #SickleCell #sicklecellpaincrisis #Sicklecelldisease #sicklecellanemia #Health #blood #blooddisorders #Science #medicine #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi
I am absolutely fascinated by the ongoing reinforced findings of the role of #NitricOxide depletion in the chemical cascades associated with #SickleCellPainCrisis. It's baffling that I'm not finding more conversation about this: people in Africa, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean are all affected by #SickleCell and it's close cousin, #Thalassemia.
We're here!
#nitricoxide #sicklecellpaincrisis #SickleCell #thalassemia