Yes! #SickOfItAll announced a new album for 2024.
Mind blown: all of the US safety regs are for occupants of motor vehicles.
People outside of vehicles are merely an afterthought.
Just learned that Francisco Franco was transported into Spain to spearhead a coup by the British MI6 in cooperation with the Nazi Luftwaffe. #spanishcivilwar #worldwar2 #sickofitall #sickofthelies
#spanishcivilwar #worldwar2 #sickofitall #sickofthelies
и ей така каним едни хора, и ги пускаме да говорят едни неща по телевизора, и ги оставяме безконтролно, и не можем да зададем дори един критичен въпрос, и гласоподавателя слуша и вярва, и няма нужда да мисли, защото то си е така
#btv хаштагцветанкаризова
където някакъв полезен и/или платен идиот говори срещу еврото
Absolutely horrific news. This makes me so sad.
We need to *separate* drivers and cyclists.
Just 30 mins ago, a driver from Utah was speeding down Anza St in the Inner Richmond and completely ran the stop sign. I would have been dead if I wasn't paying full attention. This. Happens. Every. Single. Day. #bikesf #pblsaveslives #sickofitall #yabasta
USA Cycling champion dies after being struck by driver in the Presidio
#bikesf #pblsaveslives #sickofitall #yabasta
So, nach Billy Idol habe ich mir jetzt am #hometrainer ein bisschen was fürs Gemüt verdient.
NP: #SickOfItAll - Life On The Ropes
@TentinQuarantino Die "...and justice for all" war der erste Schritt in eine andere Richtung. Aus heutiger Sicht finde ich das Album deutlich besser als ich es damals fand.
Dann folgte das "Black Album" und #Metallica hatten endgültig die breite Masse erreicht. Vermutlich waren sie damals sogar irgendwann auf dem Bravo-Titelbild. :)
Mein Musikgeschmack ging in dieser Zeit bereits in Richtung NY #Hardcore und Bands wie #Biohazard oder #SickOfItAll liefen jetzt bevorzugt auf meinem Plattenteller.
#sickofitall #biohazard #hardcore #metallica
Heute Abend spielen die #Hellacopters, #Clutch und #SickOfItAll an 3 verschiedenen Orten in Berlin und was ist das für ein Gott der so etwas zulässt
#Hellacopters #clutch #sickofitall
Tes sharing Spotify
Neither of my disappointments are on that list, but I am sure the traitorous, back stabbing old crow has allowed them to pass on this vote so they can take a political bullet on a future legislative travesty.
Gestern Abend Punkrock-, Ska- und Hardcore-Abend zu Hause. Geil! Und so Bock auf Live-Konzert bekommen. Good old times n‘ memories! #sickofitall #suchasurge #phasefünf #elbossounddiepingpongs #luluunddieeinhornfarm #descendents #suicidaltendencies #lifeofagony #anarchistacademy
#anarchistacademy #lifeofagony #suicidaltendencies #descendents #luluunddieeinhornfarm #elbossounddiepingpongs #phasefünf #suchasurge #sickofitall