European Lisp Symposium 2023 recordings are finally online!
Below is one of them, the keynote by Gerald J. Sussman, one of the authors of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.
"Artificial Intelligence: a Problem of Plumbing?"
#EuropeanLispSymposium #ELS2023 #Lisp #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #SICP #ProgrammingLanguages #Programming
#europeanlispsymposium #els2023 #lisp #artificialintelligence #ai #sicp #programminglanguages #programming
pros abigos BRs que não são da área, SICP e TAOCP são dois livros muitos foderosos para quem trabalha com informática, e mais especificamente programação. ambos também podem ser muito enriquecedores pra quem trabalha com matemática, estática, ou qualquer coisa que envolva algoritmos.
🇺🇸 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
🇧🇷 Estrutura e Representação de Programas de Computador
🇺🇸 The Art of Computer Programming
🇧🇷 A Arte da Programação de Computadores
You know #sicp is cool ( I am tempted to call it cliche), but have you tried
#SICP Chapter 4 (In Progress...)
1. Exercises 4.76 through 4.78 removed
a. Sloppy solns, could be impl'd cleaner
b. Good exercise for getting back into SICP
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#SICP ex4.78:
1. TODO: Plan out tasks (procedures to impl)
2. TODO: Make checklist to make progress measurable
3. TODO: Finish problem!
4. Getting there 🙂
1. Impl'd image stream primitives: Norm, Scale, Crop
2. Primitives serially impl'd & optimized
3. TODO: Parallelize processing loops in primitives across the number of cores (span).
4. Got new hardware toys (yay!)
Need to get back to #SICP ex4.78.
1. Plan out tasks (procedures to implement).
2. Make a checklist to make progress measurable
3. Finish problem!!!
Getting there 🙂
Man, I've been busy! Not much #PLT lately since work has been one sprint after another.
1. Using only 33 lines of C++ code, I created a stream interface that is lazy and extensible. It encapsulates all three aspects of a DSL: primitives, means of combination, and means of abstraction ( #SICP )!!
2. Image objects that are being streamed have placeholders for annotations that the results of NNs processing the image (bounding boxes, labels, etc).
@vijaykiran @jack
At the occasion, I tried #MacWhisper for transcribing the episode's mp3: while not perfect, the results are pretty good, even with the medium large model.
Someone just needs to teach the models the difference between closure and #Clojure as well as what #SICP is 😅
@lopta There's always the classics:
#sicp #scheme
4. Can implement and add a processing element to the image processing pipeline that adds annotations to the image as metadata.
5. The GUI will be responsible for drawing those annotations on top of the image before loading the image into the display buffer.
6. "Software Design for Flexibility: How to Avoid Programming Yourself into a Corner" (Chris Hanson and Gerald Jay Sussman) helped me think different about implementation.
Will get back to #SICP soon.
Have fun #Hachyderms !
So I've been switching from #Vim to #Emacs, from #SwayWM to #DWM, but I haven't been working on #SICP lately. I've been bogged down at work, and there's plenty I am allowed to talk about once I get over the hump here.
It'll be fun, I promise. Hang in there.
#vim #eMacs #swaywm #dwm #sicp
Signs with relief upon finding out that the Floridians haven't banned #SICP from school libraries.
(Mind you, they've whacked Isabel Allende's "The House of the Spirits", and, in a rather ironic turn, Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale". It sucks.)
#BookBan #Florida #Floridians #Booktodon #SavetheBooks #scheme
#sicp #bookban #florida #floridians #booktodon #savethebooks #scheme
I’m reading Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs for the first time. This: “If art interprets our dreams, the computer executes them in the guise of programs!” #SICP
#SICP exercise 4.78 (query lang as nondet prog) progress:
Finding out that the backtracking (continuations) greatly simplifies the implementation of the query language. When you don't have to cons, flatmap, or append/delay streams, the procedures become much simpler.
Also, whenever alternatives are present (or, not, lisp-value), I'll need to use 'amb' to evaluate each alternative. But I'm unsure if 'uniquely-asserted' can be implemented with the same semantics...