56 years ago:
The Spirit Is Willing (US)
When Ben and Kate Powell rent a haunted New England house by the sea, their son Steve gets blamed for the destruction caused by three unruly ghosts.
#TheSpiritIsWilling #WilliamCastle #SidCaesar #VeraMiles #BarryGordon #Paramount #ClassicMovies
#thespiritiswilling #williamcastle #sidcaesar #veramiles #barrygordon #paramount #classicmovies
56 years ago:
The Busy Body (US)
Sid Caesar is a bumbling gopher to a mob boss who must recover a fortune in cash stowed in the suit of a corpse.
#TheBusyBody #SidCaesar #RobertRyan #AnneBaxter #Paramount #Movies
#thebusybody #sidcaesar #robertryan #annebaxter #paramount #movies
A new #FilmsTRIPS podcast is out! This time, Andrew and I take a look at #MellBrooks' #HistoryOfTheWorldPartI! https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/24panelspersecond/episodes/2023-03-06T15_52_38-08_00 #GregoryHines #WoodyOmens #MadelineKhan #ClorisLeachman #SidCaesar #JohnHurt #OrsonWelles
#orsonwelles #JohnHurt #sidcaesar #clorisleachman #madelinekhan #woodyomens #gregoryhines #historyoftheworldparti #mellbrooks #filmstrips
Today in 1950 — #YourShowOfShows debuted on NBC.
#SidCaesar and #ImogeneCoca starred in this live, 90-minute sketch comedy series, along w/ #CarlReiner and a writing staff that included #MelBrooks and #NeilSimon.
#nostalgia #1950stv #1950s #classictv #onthisday #neilsimon #melbrooks #carlreiner #imogenecoca #sidcaesar #yourshowofshows