We are deeply grateful to Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche for taking time out from his busy schedule to offer this message of introduction for last night's Evening Meditation on Love.
#Dzongsarkhyentserinpoche #siddharthasintent #love
#dzongsarkhyentserinpoche #siddharthasintent #love
We are deeply honoured that Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche has most generously agreed to provide a pre-recorded message of welcome as part of our Evening Meditation on Love.
#queer #mardigras #sydneymardigras #sydneyworldpride
#sydneystarobserver #InnerWest #everythinginnerwest
#pride #abcqueer #lgbtqi #lgbtq #gay
#queerbuddhist #queerchristian
#dzongsarkhyentse #siddharthasintent
#queer #MardiGras #sydneymardigras #sydneyworldpride #sydneystarobserver #innerwest #everythinginnerwest #pride #abcqueer #lgbtqi #LGBTQ #gay #queerbuddhist #queerchristian #dzongsarkhyentse #siddharthasintent