#MicrosoftEdge #VerticalTab + #SplitWindow + #sidebar อะ โอเค้
#microsoftedge #verticaltab #splitwindow #sidebar
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Mastodon でも、Wordpressのサイドバーに最新フィードを入れたーい!
#mastodon #mastofeed #wordpress #plugin #feed #blog #sidebar #マストドン #ワードプレス #プラグイン #ブログ #サイドバー
#mastodon #mastofeed #wordpress #plugin #feed #blog #sidebar #マストドン #ワードプレス #プラグイン #ブログ #サイドバー #ブシログ新着記事
Sidebar-App will das macOS-Dock verbessern
Mit Sidebar verfolgt eine neue App den Ansatz, das Standard-Dock von macOS zu verbessern. Ob dies überhaupt nötig ist, liegt natürlich im Auge des Betrachters. Die Entwickler von Sidebar sehen ihr Konzept nicht zuletzt aus dem Ansatz heraus angetrieben, dem Umstieg auf den Mac für Nutzer zu vereinfachen, die ursprünglich unter Windows oder Linux gearbeitet […]
Sidebar Design and Interaction Guidance
Learn more 👉 https://snow.byewind.com/
#dashboard #dashboarddesignsystem #dashboarduikit
#designsystem #nav #navbar #navigation #navigationbar #sidebar #InteractiveGuidance
#dashboard #dashboarddesignsystem #dashboarduikit #designsystem #nav #navbar #navigation #navigationbar #sidebar #interactiveguidance
Mac people, help. The folder in my Finder sidebar used to look like other folders, and was easily searchable. Now it looks like this, and is impossible to search, and i can't find recent photos in it. Worse, searching for a folder called Pictures on HoudahSpot doesn't find any, although there are several self-made photos called things like "family pictures" #Mac #Pictures #sidebar #help
This week, #Microsoft shipped the final Dev Channel Insider update for its #Edge #browser of 2022, and it includes several new options for the #Sidebar within the browser. https://tchlp.com/3hugq5u
#microsoft #edge #browser #sidebar
This week, #Microsoft shipped the final Dev Channel Insider update for its #Edge #browser of 2022, and it includes several new options for the #Sidebar within the browser. https://tchlp.com/3hugq5u
#microsoft #edge #browser #sidebar
#sidebar #vivaldibrowser #Mastodon
was just on stack overflow wondering why the code was being cut off in that skinny middle content section... then i remembered I'd disabled The Tampermonkey extension.
re-enabled that and suddenly code examples on Stack Overflow were so much more readable.
Here's the entire script (not counting standard #UserScript comments for matching urls and such)
#mainbar, .mainbar { width: 100% }
#sidebar, .sidebar { display: none}
#userscript #mainbar #sidebar #tampermonkey
So I picked one of these up in a swap, and got lucky that it had the second Gen remote that was not a Jony Ive creation. This is the original 4th Gen HD model, and when I get a chance I’ll pick up the newer 4K unit. This is replacing a Roku/ATV 3rd Gen.
I love old Jony and Steve products, but the newer things post 2016 were rubbish.
I did the initial setup and configuration and it went smoothly. Didn’t need to wrestle with punching in my password in most cases, and in the instances where I did need to do that it was because I didn’t have the app on my phone.
Had to change the setting for the home button so it actually goes Home first instead of the TV app. May change it back later. Left on the swiping feature for myself, but again may turn it off, especially since I can use my phone to control it.
The Dell monitor I was using was pretty easy to calibrate, and it wasn’t that far off actually. Really curious how it will do with the old plasma we have. (Don’t @ me, not my TV.)
In general my experience is that it blows the Roku out of the water already. I’m going to append more information as I go tonight, so if you are curious check back on this.
Liking the #sidebar on mobile so far. Not sure about left handed people though..
Firefox - кастомизация расширения Tree Style Tab
You need to set toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to true with about:config, otherwise userChrome.css (and userContent.css) in your profile is simply ignored by Firefox.
Also note: In Firefox 72, if your userChrome.css file starts with @namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul");, you must remove that line otherwise the tab fix will not work. Removing the namespace is safe.
Then place this code in
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand="treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action"] #sidebar-header {
display: none;
#css #treestyletab #extension #firefox #sidebar
[ 🔄 ]
7 Big Changes Coming to Nautilus in GNOME 43 - OMG! Ubuntu!
I run through 7 major changes to the #Nautilus #file #manager in GNOME 43. From adaptive #sidebar and new sorting options to deeper #integration with #Disks app.
@omgubuntu 🔗 https://floss.social/users/omgubuntu/statuses/108789986591632456
Check out 7 big changes coming to Nautilus in GNOME 43, including this slick adaptive sidebar https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/08/gnome-43-file-manager-improvements
#disks #integration #sidebar #manager #file #nautilus
@unicornriot #sidebar #AmeriKaIsCursed AmeriK3a is irredeemable. I have known this since my high school days when I read Dee Brown’s book BURY MY HEART AT WOUNDED KNEE. This Turtle Island SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN FORMED INTO WHAT IT HAS BECOME.
Firefox sidebar doesn't seem to work with containers yet.