@flaminghohners Um... huh? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

>even has a tab scrolling function

...just like , once you enable it:

user_pref("toolkit.tabbox.switchByScrolling", true);

or alternatively use the excellent or

Fwiw, i use both browsers, since a long time. has many superb *unique* attractions [eg, is wonderful], but scrollable tabs ain't one of them.

#firefox #addons #treestyletab #sidebery #vivaldi #tabtiling

Last updated 1 year ago

MsDropbear πŸŒˆβ™€ · @MsDropbear
209 followers · 1115 posts · Server kolektiva.social


>wish there would be good vertical tab-list support.

There is... just not where you are. 🀭


#firefoxnightly #sidebery #verticaltabs

Last updated 1 year ago

MsDropbear πŸŒˆβ™€ · @MsDropbear
197 followers · 909 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@adrinux addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firef

>- Tabs panels
Configurable panels will help you sort your tabs.


= "Workspaces".

Plus, Sidebery [also AO] provides what Vivaldi does not... infinite nesting of tabs in tree hierarchies, which, once you've used it [as a heavy user of dozens of tabs at once, eg during project research] is "can't do without", so all other browser tabs management pales in comparison.

#sidebery #treestyletab

Last updated 1 year ago

MsDropbear πŸŒˆβ™€ · @MsDropbear
178 followers · 163 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Just heard today for first time of newish alpha fork of , called pulsebrowser.app, into one of my via , then played around with it.

Tis pretty interesting, albeit certainly not ready for my daily use yet, but otoh worthy of keeping a watch on with future developments. Already the Devs [afaik, two Strayan blokes doing this as a part-time hobby; stone the flamin' crows, they must be flat out like a lizard drinking, but onya!] have bettered native FF by building in native , in an optionally-collapsible sidebar [furthermore, very neatly, toggling vertical ON automatically hides native horizontal tabs, without needing the user to resort to css tricks like the various AOs do].

However, at this early development stage, these vertical tabs are not stackable, nestable or groupable, so i would need still to install the wonderful AO anyway, thus atm giving no advantage over my very nicely set up .

Nonetheless, this fork is very worthy if the two blokes are able to keep up advancing its development. I wish all power to their arms!


#firefox #pulsebrowser #archie #vms #aur #verticaltabs #sidebery #firefoxnightly

Last updated 2 years ago

MsDropbear πŸŒˆβ™€ · @MsDropbear
161 followers · 18 posts · Server kolektiva.social

In my early months of Masto, last year, in my original , i personalised my Masto browser view to have five permanently visible columns, then used some to adjust column widths, font sizes etc for comfy viewing in my browsers. The fifth column was the local timeline, which i used for casual reading during the times my Home column remained fairly "under-nourished".

One day, sometime last year, i learned from someone's helpful post that we could follow hashtags, something nowadays just blindingly obvious, but to me back then was utterly unknown. So i began doing so, adding more over time as needs & wants be.

A month or two ago, 'ish, i suddenly realised that nowadays i was spending ZERO time in that local timeline, given my Home column is always full as a goog, full up to dolly's wax, full to pussy's bow, et al 😜 Hence it was time to again edit my css, & my Masto interface, to revert to the four-column view.

TL;DR: following hashtags is fabulously handy!


#mastodon #advancedwebinterface #localtimeline #followedhashtags #css #instance #Stylus #misanthropy #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #renewableenergy #overshoot #wearetotallyfscked #weareselfishcruelbastards #whimsy #drhelenmagnus #hhgttg #mostlyharmless #MontyPythonsFlyingCircus #montypython #thespanishinquisition #RippingYarns #auspol #greens #michaelwestmedia #misdirection #semantics #logic #grammar #genderdysphoria #transition #transitioned #transwoman #transwomen #trans #lesbian #lesbians #FOSS #arch #archlinux #Archinstall #fedora #Kinoite #KDEplasma #plasma #KDE #qt #windowrules #xfce #tumbleweed #opensuse #microos #LibreOffice #KMyMoney #firefoxnightly #firefoxbeta #userJS #aboutconfig #sidebery #treestyletab #vivaldi #vivaldibrowser

Last updated 2 years ago

@fossesq I do appreciate your reply, & speed, teehee!


Prolly i'll not challenge this, as i find both FF & Chromium-based browsers "fast enough", such that the hair-splitting others do, bores me.


Hmmm, this is ofc deeply personal, so no rebuttal from me. Each to their own, ofc.

>not having to manually hide top tabs

Fair comment, but having done it, it stays done, & tbh forgotten.

>seamless tab groups

Golly! is so excellent here, so i must disagree.


Last updated 2 years ago

@fossesq Please, could you kindly expand:

>The vertical tabs alone are flawless and almost a decisive feature (and, no, you can’t quite achieve the same thing with Firefox extensions).

A few times, albeit briefly, i tested Edge in a VM, & found it utterly underwhelming [not to mention ofc its odious M$ stench]. My almost exclusive reason to test it was to compare its tabs management, in its vertical tab strip, to in my . For my user-case, Edge was far behind Sidebery.

#sidebery #firefoxnightly

Last updated 2 years ago

Not many days go by, as i do my ongoing browserising [😜], that i don't feel in awe of, & with huge gratification for, the magnificent utility of one of my fav AddOns ... . I was a very longterm user, but my discovery several years ago of AO in FF, then more recently of Sidebery, caused me to do a couple of years of flipflopping between Vivaldi & FF. However, FF [specifically Nightly] eventually won, with Sidebery being a HUGE part of the reasoning.

#firefoxnightly #sidebery #vivaldi #treestyletab

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul · @solarkraft
395 followers · 5481 posts · Server mastodon.social

The other major hurdle besides the updates is getting a non-crappy tree style tabs extension to run, ideally . Luckily the author seems open to porting, since they want to move to Manifest V3 anyway!


Last updated 2 years ago

@axl696 Yes it's great, isn't it! Do you use TreeStyleTab / Sidebery Add-On/s btw?

#treestyletab #sidebery

Last updated 2 years ago

@thunderbird I wonder if might be able to persuade the Devs to partner-up with the Sidebery Dev, or failing that the TST Dev, to fully incorporate one or t'other *natively* into FF? Notwithstanding all the many other nice features in FF, for me the absolute standout best-in-class winner is these AO's infinitely-nestable vertical tabs. With / installed, for me is unassailable [& i've used *all* the others]. Baked-in natively, pls!

#chatgpt #firefox #sidebery #treestyletab #firefoxnightly

Last updated 2 years ago

totoroot · @totoroot
327 followers · 2783 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@sotolf Yes, I disabled the tab bar with userChrome.css and use for tab management.
I switched to this about two months ago and am very happy with it!
It is still quite performant with my 200+ tabs as well 🫣


Last updated 2 years ago

totoroot · @totoroot
327 followers · 2783 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@sotolf I have a very similar configuration in now using the extension and disabling the tab bar :firefoxnew:
So much more scrolling space and especially great on the ultrawide monitor I've been using for a while ↔️

#firefox #sidebery

Last updated 2 years ago