New #openaccess publication at #sidestonepress: »#Migration Narratives in #archaeology edited by Daniela Hofmann @UiB, @CJFrieman & Astrid J. Nyland (#Stavanger) with contributions by #ClusterRoots members Martin Furholt and Tim Kerig:
#ClusterROOTS #stavanger #archaeology #migration #sidestonepress #openaccess
Eine weitere Publikation aus unserem Subcluster #UrbanRoots ist jetzt #OpenAccess bei #Sidestonepress erschienen. »#MentaleKonzepte der Stadt in Bild- und Textmedien der #Vormoderne«, hg. von M. Dahm & T. Felber ist gleichzeitig der 3. Band der #RootsStudies.
#Urbanistik #Stadtforschung #Mittelalter @histodons
#mittelalter #stadtforschung #urbanistik #rootsstudies #vormoderne #mentalekonzepte #sidestonepress #openaccess #urbanroots
The question of how human-environmental #connectivities shaped fundamental processes in #pastsocieties is the focus of research within the #ClusterROOTS. Now, a new book titled "Connectivity Matters!" has been published in the #ROOTSstudies series. It addresses the concept of connectivities in the human past, but also the importance of this concept for research in this field. Free download at #SidestonePress: #OpenAccess @archaeodons @histodons #archaeology #history
#history #archaeology #openaccess #sidestonepress #rootsstudies #ClusterROOTS #pastsocieties #connectivities
In 1998, a copper hoard from the 4th millennium BC was found near Neuenkirchen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany). In his master's thesis, #ClusterROOTS member Henry Skorna examined the far-reaching connections of the Neuenkirchen find ensemble and the context of the site. The thesis is now available online at #SidestonePress:
#archaeology #stoneage #copperage #chalcolithic #neolithic
#neolithic #chalcolithic #copperage #stoneage #archaeology #sidestonepress #ClusterROOTS